
Filed in Delaware by on September 18, 2008

The Republican candidate for Lt. Governor, Charles Lamont du Pont Copeland, announced a proposal this week, saying if elected he would develop an assistance program for veterans who wish to start small businesses, and he cleverly called such veteransm, “vetrepreneurs.”

The proposal would offer grants for returning veterans interested in starting businesses, exempt their pensions from state income tax and begin tracking veteran-owned businesses in the same way minority- and women-owned businesses are tracked.

It sounds like a great idea.   I would need to see more specifics, but it looks like little Charlie finally had a good idea.   The only question is, why did he wait until he was running for Lt. Governor to announce this plan?   He has been in the State Senate for the last 6 years, and the Republican Minority Leader for the last 2 years.    Surely the urge to help veterans did not just come to him, did he?

I always am suspicious when it comes to Republicans and their “announced” plans to help Veterans.  For when the election season is over, such plans normally disappear.  And on the federal level, Republicans have been openly hostile to caring for veterans.   They, including John McCain, fervently opposed a new G.I. Bill for our veterans.   President Bush and his Republicans in Congress cut funding for VAs across this country, and cut benefits for returning veterans as well.

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  1. Anon says:

    Give Veterans 100% health care. NOW.
    Increase and improve the Veterans Hospitals to service VETERANS. Give Vets an ID card.
    As soon as they pass enlistment and
    get their medical shots, they should be
    For example this will stop all those arguments we faced over the affects of Agent Orange.
    Want to prove your support for those who have sacrificed for this country.
    This goes for all who enlisted and received their shots. Even to the oldest sailor and soldier.
    The shots are a medical roulette wheel and a punch bowl full of anti-virus meds.
    POINT is, we hear how we should help the helpless, and we constantly ignore those who have served us.

  2. Mike Protack says:

    A few things which will make a huge difference to Veterans.

    1. A GI bill which allows honorably discharged Veterans to have a tuition free education similar to the SEED program and if they do not use it, transfer to one of their children.

    2. Stop taxing military pensions.

    3. Adequate health care , (mental also) in the form of more community health centers.

    4.Support for the Delaware Military Academy.

    5. 40-50% of homeless are veterans, they need the proper level of help to keep them off the streets.

    Charlie’s idea have merit also.

  3. G Rex says:

    Veterans don’t start businesses, they marry into them! Kerry, McCain…

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Watch it, DD. Keep saying that Charlie had a good idea and we’ll have to revoke your “blind partisan” title.