Good Anti-McCain Ad

Filed in National by on September 20, 2008



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  1. Truth Teller says:

    Great insight why isn’t it running on TV yet???????

  2. Not Brian says:

    Ha! My family? Hell, the Wall Street Journal editorial page doesn’t even trust him after his comments on Cox. From Reuters:

    The Wall Street Journal, known for its conservative editorial board, said McCain had shown he did not understand the financial crisis.

    “This assault on Mr. Cox is both false and deeply unfair. It’s also unpresidential,” it said in an editorial. “In a crisis, voters want steady, calm leadership, not misleading answers that will do nothing to help.”

  3. feces throwing monkey's evil twin says:


    CUT my TAXES BIOTCHES!!!!!!!

    MCcAIN #1!!!!!!!


  4. delawaredem says:

    Country not first, evil feces?

  5. cassandra_m says:

    That’s what I’m talking about. The guy is no maverick. Whoever did this needs to keep it up.

    Is this running on TV or is it a web ad?

  6. delawaredem says:

    So far it looks like a web ad.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    When I saw this I said, “Truth Teller is going to be happy with this one.” Glad to see I was right. 🙂

    I guess the gloves are coming off. Although, there is no Obama tag at the end of the commercial, so perhaps this is a 529 ad…

  8. Unstable Isotope says:


    I think this is an ad made by an Obama supporter. I saw it this morning on Daily Kos and it looks like they were trying to raise money to put it on the air.

  9. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’m not sure is up with this:

    Is this a vote to give Bush appointee Henry Paulson power to spend $700 B of taxpayers’ money with no oversight for 3 months? I don’t care how big the crisis is this seems really excessive. Have we learned nothing from trying to do something fast during a crisis?

  10. Kwaayesnama says:

    John McCain has spent 26 years in Washington, what is his call to fame? In 26 years he had done nothing for the people of Arizona. In 26 he has seen no needs nothing, nada needed in his home state. So what is his plan to help this nation, the same plan he has had for 26 years for the people of Arizona, nothing, zero, and nada. Just think MCCAIN/PALIN ECONOMIC PLAN – TRUST WALL ST WITH SOCIAL SECURITY. John McCain’s long touted plan for social security is to privatize it. Using the same Wall Street companies that are going under. Do you trust your future to Wall Street! Do you trust your future to John McCain and the lobbyists that are advising him and running his campaign? Here is a list of all of his major campaign workers and the special interests they represent.

  11. Joanne Christian says:

    Kwaayesnama–Are you from Arizona? I know the Arizona Republic did NOT support McCain during the primaries…but have they kissed and made up?

  12. Kwaayesnama says:

    Dear Joanne Christian: I’m a 60 year old Republican grandmother from Sedona, AZ. And John McCain does not live in my hometown, as the press likes to report. His mini ranch is in CORNVILLE. If you drive around Sedona you will see Obama signs 10 to 1 for McCain. The reason that most of the people in town that I know are supporting Obama is that John McCain’s call to fame is that he has never asked for any earmarks for his home state. What does that prove besides the fact that he is too lazy to study earmark requests. I ask you how would you feel if you had an employee that worked for you for 26 years and he went around the nation telling everyone that he has done nothing, zero, nada for his employer.
    My son and his family live in Delaware and we visit often.

  13. Joanne Christian says:

    Thanks for the update…my daughter is at ASU and supports Obama–and having heard him speak a year ago, I didn’t know if that was a “college” thing. Lucky you in Sedona!! I’m sure your son and family are the only things that can pull you from that beautiful part of the country.