Delaware Liberal


You Have Homework

According to that poll on the left, the underhanded Republican push-polls will have their intended impact and Democratic candidates will be hurt by this Republican dirty tricks campaign.

It does not have to be that way. We have to power to see that these strategies don’t work. But we need to act.

I have been in contact with a few of the effected candidates and asked, “What can Democrats do to help?” and the word is that it would be a big help to Rebecca Walker, Brad Bennett and the other effected Democrats if everyone who objects to these dirty Republican campaign tactics wrote a letter to the News Journal protesting their use.

Here is a link to the News Journal’s letter to the editor form.

To send a letter to the Delaware State News use this email address:

Take a few minutes right now to tell you fellow Delawareans that Donna Stone and Dick Cathcart’s Pac (Delaware’s House Republican Campaign Committee) is out of line and that they should be held accountable for dragging this election into the gutter.

Let them know that we want elections that are settled on the issues, not by who can run the dirtiest campaign.

Your letter will have impact. Re-read this Delaware Dem post and write that letter today.

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