Delaware Liberal

Bad Medicine

Our economy is sick.  George Bush and his team of economic advisors has been working all weekend trying to figure out what is wrong with the patient.  Let’s set aside the fact that George Bush and his team of military and intelligence advisors got virtually everything wrong in Iraq.  Let’s just look at this issue with clear eyes.

The patient is suffering from malaise, panic and weakness in the limbs.  There have certainly been mistakes in the treatment in the past.  The patient has become bloated due to a lack of self-control and is now feeling the effects of mistreatment.

We have found the underlying cause of the issue, a broken system without the necessary checks on the banks and other financial institutions.  Surely there are a bunch of people walking around with loans that they aren’t going to be able to pay, but lets face it, those people are less sophisticated than the Phd financial analysts that build risk profiles to determine who can afford a loan.

Instead of attacking the underlying cause here, the Bush administration has decided to address the symptoms.  But not all of the symptoms.  Only the well-heeled symptoms.  The banks (the ones that shoulda known better) are going to get treatment.  Unfortunately, homeowners are not going to get any support here.

So if you live in a nice 5 bedroom apartment on Park Ave. (overlooking the park) with a doorman and a driver, you are going to have to work a few late nights to make sure that your people can get the right loans transfered over to the government as fast as you can.

If you are a homeowner that makes $30,000 a year and your wife just had a baby (so she cannot work for a few months), well, that really nice 3 bedroom home in Brookside is going to be hard to keep up on, so I hope your car isn’t too cramped with all three of you in it.

Oh, and we don’t actually know if this is going to work.  So I hope the guy in Brookside doesn’t work in some business affected by a bad economy.

I was really sick once.  I had a fever of 107 for 3 days.  It was caused by an infection just under the skin on my right leg.  The hospital really wanted my fever to break (as did I), but the solution to my issue wasn’t putting me in a cold shower or giving me Tylenol, they had to treat the infection.  It wasn’t easy, fun or quick, but I got better once they had addressed the underlying cause.  I feel like the Bush team is kicking this damned issue down the road for 4 months.  I hope someone has the guts to stop them from giving us Tylenol.

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