Delaware Liberal

Ron Williams Phones It In

This could be a continuing series, I’m thinking.

Today, Williams tells us what we already know, that Joe Biden is well within his rights to run for both his VP and Senate seats. Well, yes. And?

He goes on not to take a position on whether this is a healthy electoral situation (it sure is rare, but what does it mean for voters?), but to note that this is an opportunity for the Biden “haters” (he says this) to get their whine on that Biden “hasn’t done anything for the state since he’s been in office and now he wants his job back without campaigning.” These same whiners would have issues with the appropriations that specifically get money back to the state — they are called earmarks — but the whiners are largely interested in hearing themselves whine.

Casting themselves as victims is a key repub tactic, especially going up against well liked and well funded Dems in places where there is a Dem advantage. Victimology is good for free media, which the local R’s (with their talk show candidate) probably need. What they miss, though, is that even if Biden were not on the Presidential ticket, he would still be at the top of the Delaware ticket and still wouldn’t have to campaign much to beat O’Donnell. What they also miss is that whining has a limited shelf life — at some point the only thing people know is that you are always complaining and ever talking about what you’ll do in office.

So if O’Donnell thinks she has a chance at beating Biden, she’ll have to do it the old fashioned way — by getting out there to get more votes than he does. She should note that her party is saving the bulk of their special pleadings this year for Sarah Palin and I don’t think that Delawareans buy the victimology anyway.

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