Delaware Liberal

Campaign Outreach

I hate to do this, because I geniunely want to Karen Hartley Nagle to succeed now that she is our Democratic nominee for Congress, just as I wanted Dennis Spivack to succeed in 2006.   But I have to criticize the KHN campaign for a moment.   Yesterday, Brenda Irwin of the KHN sent out an email at 5:36 p.m. to a number of interested volunteers and supporters of Karen Hartley Nagle, alerting them to a preliminary strategy meeting for volunteers at the campaign headquarters at 7 p.m. that same day.  In other words, people got exactly 1 hour and 24 minutes notice.

I am not sure what the turnout was at this meeting, but I can’t imagine it was high, since I only received the email this morning, when I received it at work.    I imagine others were in the same position, and even if they received and read the email immediately, many probably could not make it on such short notice.   Now, perhaps this was just an one time quirk of scheduling, but you have to allow more time for notice of these volunteer meetings so that you can get maximum turnout of interested volunteers.

To that end, if you want to help out on the KHN campaign, please email HartleyNagle08 [at]gmail[dot]com, and I am sure someone from the campaign will get back to you.

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