From the Files of “Only in Delaware…”

Filed in Delaware by on September 22, 2008

A hay bale fire has closed the northbound lanes of Interstate 295, causing major backups on both 95 North and Southbounds.   Officials had stated that they expect 295 to reopen around 4 pm.

Can I ask where there are bales of hay along 295??  I have never seen them, but then maybe I am not paying attention.

Update: Oh, a truck spilled the bales of hay onto the roadway, and then somehow the hay burst into flames.  Here is an image courtesy of the News Journal:

That looks like manure to me.   And it is steaming.   Thank God I live upwind.


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  1. feces throwing monkey says:

    somehow the hay burst into flames

    Does anyone know where Ferris Wharton was at the time?

  2. Linoge says:

    Hay (and manure) will simply spontaneously combust when left in large enough piles. Just natural heat released from the decomposition of the material is all it takes… fun stuff.

  3. Hube says:

    Upwind? That’s probably the quantity you spew here in a single hour, dipshit.

  4. pandora says:

    Wow! Should we be expecting an apology from Hube?

    You are a nasty piece of work. We obviously upset you… and yet here you are.

  5. delawaredem says:

    Republicans do not apologize. If they are ever caught saying or doing something wrong, they excuse it immediately. It speaks to their utter lack of moral fiber.

  6. anon says:

    If they are ever caught saying or doing something wrong, they excuse it immediately.

    If Bill Clinton didn’t exist they would have to invent him.