Filed in Delaware by on September 22, 2008

Has anyone seen Karen pushing out Castle on his position of all things going wrong in this country right now?

Maybe painting your differences and attacking how the other has sided with BUSH 90% of the time is a half decent strategy worth pursuing.

NOTE TO KHN…Pay me 75000.00 and I will ensure that people will know you are a politician. Christ! is this the best we can muster? The best chance to get of this guy and we are trying to prop up a AA player as if he was a Major League player

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hiding in the open

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  1. P.I. says:

    “Maybe painting your differences and attacking how the other has sided with BUSH 90% of the time is a half decent strategy worth pursuing.”

    The only thing wrong with that strategy is that it’s a lie and Castle has already called her on it. The less we hear from KHN, the better her chance of getting votes. She was an embarassment at the JCC forum.

    Her office at the riverfront is consistently unmanned. Maybe, with her big victory, she went to Disney World…or maybe lala land.

  2. Ok, bad example 🙂

    but seriously the guy is a Republican hellooooooo start from there, find some votes that were awful (torture)

    and work from there…

    I’ll take 65k based on my one teeny number error

  3. delawaredem says:

    Actually, I have for the last week been trying to find this “Hill” article Castle cited in his debate, and have not been able to. Instead, I find a Washington Post vote project article that I link to on the front page that says Mike Castle voted with the Republican Party 81.4% of the time during this Congress.

    So it is not a lie. Mike Castle is no party-bucking maverick. He is a party loyalist.

  4. Mike Castle stretching the truth? Naww.

    KHN could definately use some help but perhaps people will simply be pulling the DEM lever for change this year….for a change despite the lack of much of a campaign coming from the DEM primary victor.