Delaware Liberal


I was sitting on the can today and was thinking. I figured out a few things that I thought were worth sharing. Not as good a post like the haybale on fire post mind you, but this should be half as good.

We have what? About 300,000,000 citizens in this country?

something like 50,000,000 are children right? maybe more, but honestly, who gives a rat’s ass about our country’s children.

So we have about 250,000,000 adults in this country then?

minus the 5% that don’t work (AKA lazy worthless pieces of shit that collect welfare checks and get pregnant to make money)

That leaves about 237,500,000 people.

Take off the 1% that got us in this mess that then leaves like 235,000,000

Now, Bush wants to give the Banks 700,000,000,000.

If I divide 7 bil into the 230 mil I get like 3,000 a person.

BUT if I take that same number and divide it buy the 1% of the country that fucked the rest of the country it comes to like $300,000 a person.

Personally, I’m pretty sure that they could work it out up there considering over the past 8 years they have hoarded something like 30% of the wealth (not income dumbasses, income is way higher)

I think, that the rich people should take it on the chin considering the past 8 years have really swung there way.

Who is with me?

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