trust me
it’s ok
I promise
this time is different
I am doing it to protect you
because I love you
you wouldn’t understand
we have to do this
you have to let me do this
it has to be done now
It’ won’t hurt
you will barely feel it
I love you
your country loves you
Vu Ja De.
Is this the creative writing you’ve been promising us? I like the stories better….this elusive poetry/haiku/iambic pentameter stuff is too taxing, and I don’t want to take it out on DelawareDem.
go worry about projecting your fears of felating an uncircomcised penis please. you know, something much easier for you to handle
He is just recalling an experience from his days as an altar boy… can you just let him work through the shame?
For Dominic so he may avoid a similar fate…
Is that the small pox vaccine??????
Brian. You are an ass.
Oh yes Tom, I am aware.
and he is a raider’s fan…
redundant I know
Well, I don’t diddle little boys or economically support those who condone it, so I am guessing I got that on Tommy…
And enough out of you DV!