Delaware Liberal

Awww, look, Wall St. got a verbal spanking….

There is a lot of blame to go around – a lot of blame with big financial institutions that engaged in this irresponsible lending … blame to the people who made loans they shouldn’t have made, people who took out loans they shouldn’t have taken out,” said Paulson, who served as CEO of Wall Street giant Goldman Sachs for seven years before he became Treasury Secretary in 2006.


Here I am going to spank you now.  Ok?  It is really going to hurt.  You have been really, really bad!  Do you understand me?  (said in fatherly voice talking down to his 2 year old son)

You are going to get it!  I said NO.  You can’t do that!  That’s bad.

(child starts crying)

(Dad picks up crying baby son)

“There, there son” (pats sons back)

I didn’t mean to yell.  It’s ok.  I wouldn’t hurt you. (Dad makes soft shushing noice to comfort child)






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