It’s time to say it. Keating Five.

Filed in National by on September 23, 2008

Last night Jonathan Alter debunked McCain’s whine that the press is picking on him.


So far the press has given McCain a pass on his role in the last financial crisis. It’s time to break the silence. McCain = Keating Five.

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Senor Correctamundo says:

    “McCain = Keating Five”

    Wait, John McCain was on ‘Family Ties’?????

    I don’t remember that episode. Was that before or after they added the cursory little tyke?

  2. cassandra_m says:

    The press gives him a pass because the Keating Five business is part of the McCain mythology. The problem is — like many contemporary myths — it is pretty shallow. He emerged from all of that ready to deal with campaign finance reform (the rules of which he is delighted to bypass when he needs to) but not ready to regulate the financial institutions interested in buying his vote.

  3. ANON6 says:

    McCain is up to his eyeballs with lobbyists, banks, insurance companies, credit card companies…same as McCastle.