So we didn’t get John Carney to run against Mike Castle because Tom Carper made like Tony Soprano. Well, we still have a challenger right? We can still knock down Mike Castle even if we can’t knock him out. Right?
*crickets chirping*
Al Mascitti zinged me on the air yesterday morning when I started in about how Mike Castle has been nothing but useless in Congress. He said something like, “You think Karen Hartley Nagle would be better?”
At which point I would have loved to fire back something about where KHN stands on the big bailout, but I have no idea where she stands nor do I have any idea why she is not attacking Mike Castle with a claw hammer right now (or at least getting a press release out.)
Contrast the non-respose from KHN to these Democratic challengers:
Here’s Doug Tudor (FL-12):
I guess an aspiring congressman is supposed to have a more politically correct vocabulary, but this is absolute bullshit!It is bullshit that once again the taxpayer is going to get stiffed, while multimillionaire CEO’s strap on their golden parachutes.
It is bullshit that guys like Adam Putnam can stand in front of news cameras, spout a bunch of lies, and have the news anchor “thank you for joining us, Congressman.”
It is bullshit that we have troops in the field, and our elected representatives are tripping over themselves to figure out how to keep bankers from losing their banks.
Okay. Bullshit might be a bit much for Delaware, but this “blank check” theme should be hung around Castle’s neck given his slavish devotion to Bush on the Iraq war.
Here’s Jeff Merkley (OR-Sen):
“The Republicans in Washington are demanding a blank check to fix the mess they created and that is completely unacceptable. Real families are hurting in this economy and George Bush is only concerned about CEOs on Wall Street. Gordon Smith rubber-stamped the Bush policies that led to this mess. I urge him to reject any blank check that puts special interests on Wall Street ahead of families on Main Street.
Gordon Smith says, “don’t play the blame game” – what he really means is “don’t hold me accountable”. Oregonians need new leadership in Washington and that starts with rejecting the failed policies and philosophies of Gordon Smith and the Republican party in November. In the meantime, Smith must stop giving blank checks to the Bush Administration – he did it with the Iraq war, and he shouldn’t do it now.”
My point is that KHN should be going after Castle right now. Is it me?