Delaware Liberal

Good Obama News Abounds

Today’s ABCNews/WaPo poll shows that Obama has opened up a 9 point lead over McCain.  Why is he up?

Just 9 percent of those surveyed rated the economy as good or excellent, the first time that number has been in single digits since the days just before the 1992 election. Just 14 percent said the country is heading in the right direction, equaling the record low on that question in polls dating back to 1973.

Perhaps more importantly, Obama has now exceeded the 50% threshold in support with 52%.  By comparison, neither Al Gore or John Kerry ever exceeded 50% in pre-election polling.  Another feature of the poll is Obama’s increased strength with white women, where he is now tied with McCain.

If that weren’t enough, Von Cracker points us to an article that shows that McCain has been caught astroturfing letters to the editor by hiring a ghostwriter.

I’ll tell you this, though, I ain’t calling this yet.  But McCain is ripe for the picking at this Friday’s debate.

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