Help!! I am trapped on a runway in Atlanta.

Filed in National by on September 24, 2008

I was in Atlanta on business yesterday and today, and I had a 5:26 pm flight back to Philadelphia.  Well, I got aboard the plane, and we left the gate, and we were taxiing out to take off, and then all of the sudden, the pilot turned the plane into this off runway parking lot, and the pilot came on and said “because of high winds in Philadelphia, the air traffic control has ordered a ground stop, and we have been given an departure time (from Atlanta) of 2 hours from now.

So here I am, living out my own airplane nightmare.

So, let’s discuss the campaign ending stunt for McCain today!

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  1. anon says:

    Winds: ENE at 9mph

    (Philly AccuWeather)

  2. high winds?

    total horseshit…clear as a bell out there. I was just up there 3 hours ago. A little breeze blowing off the Piers but they can’t land a plane in that?

    bullshit they are lying

  3. pandora says:

    There’s a gentle breeze here. Sorry you’re stuck in an airport.

  4. maybe you can round up some republicans while you are there

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Offer to sue the pilot.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    Welcome to a Philly ATC delay.

    There was a NW flight in Detroit some years back trapped on the runway for hours who called the police and said said they were being held hostage. Detroit SWAT teams showed up to get them.

    Just in case you need some excitement, DD.

  7. nemski says:

    You can go up to the cockpit and get an exclusive interview with Protack.

  8. Mike Protack says:

    Nemski, you are a bit misinformed. Now, after 9/11 as soon as an aircraft is ready for pushback the cockpit door is locked down by a computer code and will not be reopened until arrival at the gate.

    Also, we don’t hold or take a delay on a runway. A taxiway or remote pad is used.

    Sorry, but the SWAT team deployment in Detroit is urban legend. I have had one episode with a SWAT team 4 days after 9/11 and it is a significant event and not anything which is done without a security reason.

    The winds would have to be pretty strong,more than a 30 knot crosswind or possibly a runway is shut down because of the winds.

    Good luck, two hours a long delay which usually gets longer not shorter.

  9. Nemski, you are a bit misinformed.

    which makes him PERFECT for this blog!

  10. jason330 says:

    It is nice to hear Mike P comment on a subject he knows something about.

  11. Mike Protack says:

    Jason, call me after the election.

  12. Miscreant says:

    “Jason, call me after the election.”

    Maybe he can help you pick up those campaign signs.

  13. Mike Protack says:

    Stay anonymous, you need an excuse to be so silly.

    Tell me the state law on the signs given that you are so smart.

  14. Paul says:

    30 days before and after… election day.

    With primaries, that is a max of 120 days.
    ( – 5 days )

    30 days before and after Sept 9,
    30 days before and after Nov 4.

  15. Mike Protack says:

    Pass that on to Miscreant. I knew the info.

    Another statewide Republican is taking our sign locations and signs are not printed and delivered overnight so their signs will be up soon and ours will not.