Jack Markell’s Response To Bill Lee’s Crazy Ass Smear

Filed in Delaware by on September 24, 2008

Two things strike me about this response.
1) It is so matter of fact and straight forward that Bill Lee has to be feeling pretty stupid right about now. The hallmark of GOP smears are that they are idiotic, this response call Lee’s smear out for all it’s stupidity.

2) It got to me befor the actual stupid-ass GOP smear did which is the hallmark of a very well run election campaign.

I will not block quote Markell’s words so Bill Lee can read it without his spectacles.

“If the Republicans want to talk about my record at Nextel, let’s talk about my record – I am very proud of the thousands of jobs created, the tens of thousands of families we connected and the new technology platform we developed. That’s the kind of experience our next governor needs to take our economy in a new direction.

When a judge looked at this lawsuit, he threw it out of court. When the Republicans looked at it, they threw mud. They can’t even get their facts straight.

I have enjoyed laying out my proposals to create thousands of jobs, establish world-class schools and provide quality, affordable health care to all Delawareans. And Until now, this campaign has been a contest of ideas.

But, Bill Lee and the Republican Party have decided to unleash a personal attack virtually unparalleled in Delaware’s political history.

It’s clear why: Bill Lee is losing on the issues and the in polls. I believe that Delaware deserves better. Bill Lee and the Republicans, however, apparently believe only in winning at all cost.

His desperate campaign has therefore combined old and well-known public information about a failed lawsuit against me with innuendo and falsehood to try to smear my personal integrity. But all these insinuations reveal is that one major difference between me and my opponent is that I have had successful careers in both the public and private sectors.

As most Delawareans know, I joined a company called Fleet Call, Inc., in 1989 as its 13th employee, responsible for corporate development. That company later became Nextel – a name I coined. During my tenure with the company, I negotiated hundreds of acquisitions and led the company’s financing activities. Most of those deals were successful – so much so that during my 6½ years with Nextel, we grew from a company with virtually no revenues or employees to one with a market valuation of several billion dollars and 3,000 employees.
As happens when you do hundreds of transactions, not every one was completed. In early 1995, MCI tried to purchase a stake in Nextel, but the deal never closed. As also frequently happens when that occurs, a civil suit was filed against Nextel and several of its executives by disappointed shareholders hoping to make more money, and their lawyers. I was included in that lawsuit because of my corporate position, but despite that I was mentioned in the Complaint a total of twice – for making public statements that were verifiably true. The judge in the case dismissed the charge against me upon his first review of the suit but gave the plaintiffs a chance to amend the suit if they could produce any real evidence against me; they never did and that was the end of my involvement in the suit. Other, unrelated charges against the company continued for a half-dozen years and, so, in 2000, five years after I left Nextel, the company settled the lawsuit without acknowledging any wrongdoing, as companies frequently do to avoid the cost of further litigation.

In sum, I had at most a peripheral role in this lawsuit, never had to pay any money, never was the subject of any evidence of wrongdoing, and never was found to have done anything wrong. Sometimes when you are senior enough in a company you get sued – it is just a fact of business life.

Instead, in a desperate attempt to turn the campaign away from the battlefield of ideas, where they are losing, the Republicans have decided to make it personal – and to do so with innuendos of wrong-doing where the evidence, and court proceedings, have shown that in fact there was none. This is the lowest a campaign can sink. It is not the kind of campaign that Delaware deserves.”


What a dork Bill Lee is turning out to be.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (17)

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    In an alternate universe, the alternate Bill Lee is dissing trial lawyers for impeding business and calling for tort reform.

  2. DavidV says:

    In an alternate universe Bill Lee might actually have a chance at election

  3. anonone says:

    But, but, but…Lee was the judge of Tom Capano!!!!!

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    Confused…what was the smear? Something about a lawsuit?

  5. Joanne Christian says:

    Me too UI–what page did we miss?

  6. anon says:

    Got to expect some crazy shit to come out of a crazy ass…… lol

  7. I’m trying to get ahold of something. I’ve received Jack’s response, but NOTHING yet from the GOP. I want to know what the original charges being levelled are. I know the GOP had a press conference around 1:00 pm, but I wasn’t able to make it.

    We’ll see. Looks like another stupid Wharton-Biden shitfest. When will the GOP learn that this shit just won’t cut it?

  8. 10-1 Bill Lee only found out about this 5 minutes before the conference went live.

  9. kavips says:

    10-2 that Copeland knew about it 24 hours before…. just like the inquisition performed on Arnetta McRae by Lawyer Randall Speck.

  10. Mike Protack says:

    In many years as an Airline Captain I have been threatened many times with lawsuits. Passengers will react in the heat of the moment about a lot of things.

    In late July a passenger missed an event becaue the flight was delayed 6 hours to Fort Lauderdale because of weather and lightning in New York City. Then with weather down the coastline we did not have enough fuel to make the flight and I had to return for more fuel. Plus because of the huge ground delays an elderly passenger did not have enough supplemental oxegyn to make the 2 hours and 45 minute flight. So , back to the gate.

    The passenger allowed 1 1/2 hours from scheduled arrival to her event.

    Lawsuits are a way of life these days.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    And the ones involving Gubernatorial candidates against bloggers are apparently vaporware too.

  12. kavips says:

    Equally like the ones from Right Wing bloggers to Middle of the Road Bloggers as well, over the source of a picture…

    Then to find it was in the public domain, right next to his….

    lol ……(ow..my freaking sides hurt.)

  13. NVW says:

    Funny how the crazy kids at DE Lib are so understanding when Markell’s court case can’t stand up to scrutiny but when it happens to Gordon….well, you know.

  14. liberalgeek says:

    Well…One was a criminal case, the other a civil case. But keep pining for him. I am sure he appreciates it.

  15. cassandra m says:

    And a key bit here is that Markell’s case was thrown out. Not pleading down to anything.

    And no Sherry Freeberry.

  16. George says:

    I am certain Jack did nothing wrong while at Nextel. That’s the onbly thing he didn’t say in his statement. He should, rather than just saying no evidence was produced showing any wrong doing. Jack will, and should, become our next Govenor!

  17. Questions? says:

    The case was not thrown out. Jack lied to you. He settled for $27 million.

    There is a measurable difference between having a case thrown out (Jack’s words) and requiring your insurance company to write a $27 million check to make it go away.