Having recently been burned by candidates who have a knack for working the margins to make themselves look more imposing than they really are (yes I’m looking at you Mike Protack and Tom Gordon), it is with some trepidation I say that John Atkins appears to have the wind at his back.
His joint appearance’s with Hastings have reportedly been strong, I believe he has key edorsements from the league of glorified trailer park residents (or whatever they call themselves) and he has the name recognition and cock-surety of an incumbent.
Kavips lays it down:
Third, all bloggers have a moral duty to propel Hastings again over Delaware’ version of Mayor Barry… No matter how much crack Mayor Barry smoked, he was put right back into office by his slag constituency… By rumors, tht 41st District is interested in doing the same…. Hastings, a Sunday school teacher is drawing a moral line in the pavement right down Main Street, a line between good and evil……(driving while intoxicated and hitting your wife is still evil these days, isn’t it?) “Oh, no” Atkins supports say…”down here, everyone does it…” (”Still don’t make it right….”)
Kavips neglects the witness tampering (for some reason I happen to think that Atkins’ pressuring his baby sitter to lie to investigators was the worst his crimes, but it is the crime that is often left off the list). Nevertheless, if Atkins does win, not only does his slag constituency deserve scorn, but so does the myopic Bob Gilligan who recruited Atkins to run as a Democrat for some mysterious reasons only know to Gilligan.