New Battleground Polls

Filed in National by on September 24, 2008

Huh.  Maybe that ABC/Washington Post Poll is accurate and not an outlier.

From the Marist Poll, among likely voters:

Iowa: Obama 51, McCain 41

Sept. 18-21; Error margin 4.5 points

New Hampshire: Obama 51, McCain 45

Sept 17-21; error margin 4 points

Michigan: Obama 52, McCain 43

Sept. 16-17; error margin 4 points

Ohio: Obama 47, McCain 45

Sept. 11-15; error margin 4.5 points

Pennsylvania: Obama 49, McCain 44

Sept. 11-15; error margin 4.5 points

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    Not to be a downer or anything, put 538 rates Marist among the worst pollsters. Still, the trends look good! My opinion is that the polls have been moving Obama’s way the last two weeks from McCain’s serial lying. I think the economic crisis effect is just starting to show up in the polling.

    It’s exciting though. If Obama wins all these states he’ll win in a landslide. McCain can’t win without Ohio.

  2. delawaredem says:

    And I consider ARG and Zogby Internet as the worst. Meh. Polls are polls.

  3. Dorian Gray says:

    I don’t think much of any of them to be honest. But it’s always nicer to be ahead then behind. Plus it makes me feel better. Not every American has the gray matter of a Neanderthal from the Pleistocene. But I guess that’s elitist.

  4. karmicjay says:

    polls… shmolls! Yes it is good to see Obama ahead but I so hope the dems don’t pass the 700$ billion giveaway! It will handicap the Obama administration! The goopers will scream about any monies being allocated for anything Obama wantemts screaming about the huge deficit that they help create.
    I hope the dems pass a small package say 150$ billion with lots of oversight and subject to review when the new administration comes in.
    Sorry this is offtopic but this is what really worries me.