PublicMind Poll Results (Updated)

Filed in Delaware by on September 24, 2008

Any poll of races in Delaware is gold for political junkies like myself.  Just because they are so rare.   So I must digest the results and mull over them a bit, but here are the headlines so far:

  • Governor Minner has a 38% approval rating.   Nearly 49% of the state disapproves of the job she has done.
  • 49% of Delawareans believe the state is on the wrong track, compared with 42% who believe the state is on the right track.
  • Delawareans favor Obama over McCain 56%-36%.
  • 81% of Delawareans say the country is on the wrong track.
  • 70% of First Staters disapprove of the way President Bush is handling his job.
  • A majority in Delaware say they are pro-choice on the issue of abortion.
  • 80% of Delaware Democrats support Obama.
  • Delawareans have a favorable opinion of Biden by a similar margin (65%-25%).
  • Delaware Republicans have an unfavorable view of Biden (58%-30%) and a favorable view of Palin (78%-7%).
  • Nearly three out of four Delawareans (73%) say Biden was a good pick for vice president but that number declines to 64% when asked whether he would make a good president.  Even so, when asked the same question a year ago (Oct. 2007), Delaware voters split evenly, with 41% saying he’d make a good president and 41% saying he wouldn’t.
  • Three out of five Delaware Republicans think Palin would make a good president.
  • The Fairleigh Dickinson University poll includes 601 randomly selected likely voters statewide in Delaware.  The survey was conducted by telephone from September 17 through September 21 and has a margin of error of +/- 4 percentage points.

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  1. delawaredem says:

    The right track/wrong track numbers are interesting, and probably tell us nothing.

    Both Markell and Lee are “change” candidates, not representing the status quo in Delaware, so that 49% does not represent a boon for either Markell or Lee. Indeed, if I were polled, I would say things are on the wrong track, but I am voting for Markell.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    Crosstabs! We must have crosstabs!

    And where is the MOE on this thing? Thanks, NJ.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    I hear McCain’s popular with rich people and the prune industry.

  4. Steve Newton says:

    That right/wrong track question always frustrates the hell out of me because what it means is always in the mind of the person answering it and doesn’t communicate shit.

    What track are we on, in the first place? Who knows? Does this mean the track before or after the candidates were selected? That kind of horseshit

    (wow. “horseshit” is apparently not a real world according to the spellchecker. who knew?)

  5. G Rex says:

    WTF is Delaware? I thought Joe Biden was from Scranton, PA!

    (and that’s where he was when he watched FDR on TV talking about the Crash in 1929)

  6. Unstable Isotope says:

    Bigger lead for Obama than the last poll (+20%). It sure does seem like a lot of undecideds in the poll. They must not have pushed leaners.

    Heh about Joe Biden. I hear he’s kicking McCain’s *ss in a speech today, though.

  7. delawaredem says:

    Actually, there are 8% undecided. I think that is about right.

  8. pandora says:

    I’m looking for Biden’s speech right now. He was on fire!

  9. whisper says:

    Refresh my memory… what was going on last year between February and October, when Minner’s strong-disapproves shot up from 17 percent to 26 percent?