Filed in National by on September 24, 2008

Who has the upperhand after today?  Obama for saying he can multi-task?  Or McCain wanting to call a time-out?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    Who cares? McNugget put Country First!!!!!!!!!

  2. Von Cracker says:

    !!!!!!!! By running to the press while Obama was waiting for a phone call back.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    Palin met Favre today. She’ll now can start for the Jets next week.

  4. Not Brian says:

    I am watching CNN right now… seems by the way they are discussing it that it is being looked at as a political move…

    Have not heard anyone ask whether the idea here is less to avoid the debate Friday – how about this as a move to avoid Palin having to debate? seems to make sense to me… especially considering how hard they have been trying to keep her from saying ANYTHING in an uncontrolled situation (like her visit to the UN)…

    Just a thought….

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    Most people I talked to were just confused. They didn’t see the Wall St. freakout as that big a crisis. A lot of comments on how “convenient” it is for him. No one saying “big, bold leadership.”

  6. nemski says:

    Does Johnny want take his ball and go home?

  7. nemski says:

    UI, people at my work definitely saw it as a political move and nothing more — and they are leaning toward McCain in November.

  8. anon says:

    Does Johnny want take his ball and go home?

    hmmmm…. which home though?

  9. RAY K> says:

    The only two types of voters McCain appeals to are the rich and those that trust the rich to do the right thing, with that trust in tatters he has no choice but to delay the debates till things cool off.

  10. Chris says:

    So where was big brave Obama when McCain suggested weeks ago they should add 10 Town Hall meetings to the mix. You know…take it to the people and let the people, not liberal press, ask the question?

    Obama was still trying to clean the dust off of his teleprompter he used in the middle of a rodeo ring and therefore….declined.

  11. anon says:

    In Chris’s tiny sliver of the wingnut world they must be all a-twitter about some kind of rodeo gaffe.

    In the real world, everyone else wonders WTF Chris is talking about.

  12. people still show up where you work?

  13. mike says:

    In my view, the “suspension” only counts if all the right-wing bloggers also give it a rest.

    Maybe, given the disaster that is the economy right now, all bloggers should agree to stop talking politics for a few days and just post … I don’t know … cute baby and/or cat and dog pictures. Cuteness first!

  14. jason330 says:

    McCain needs a nap.

  15. Steve Newton says:

    While I think it was a political move, I don’t think you are right to underestimate how it is playing.

    I think it will cancel out a lot of the Obama economic bounce over the next few days, and I don’t think the “multi-tasking” answer will do well politically.

  16. RAY K> says:

    Steve; although what you are saying is a moronic way to look at it there are a lot of morons out there.

    McCain has already screwed up twice when it comes to the economy, the Phil Gramm remarke about a nation of whiners, and the Hoover like remark that the economy is basicly sound, his handlers fear more of the same this close behind this debaucle.

    He`s `running for cover till this mess blows over period.

  17. I love how he has Romney on his team. the guy that want’s to take a weedwhacker to regulation.


  18. pandora says:

    You know what will play? McCain skipping Letterman because he had to return to Washington immediately… then not going to Washington. Incredibly stupid.

  19. Von Cracker says:

    Like to take a weed wacker to Mitt’s dome.

  20. Unstable Isotope says:

    Not Brian,

    It definitely looks like they’re trying to hide Sarah. McCain’s proposing moving the debate to Oct. 2. How convenient, that happens to be the VP debate.

    Really, I understand Palin is not ready for prime time but is she that terrible?

  21. Steve Newton says:

    I think we political junkies tend to forget that most voters get their news from the 3-minute tip of the hour radio cast and (at most) less than 15 minutes per day of tv news.

    I suspect but cannot prove that in the last week many Americans spent more minutes listening to Presidential campaign commercials than Presidential news.

    That having been said, they draw what appear to be logical conclusions from very little data. It is easy to write them off as moronic, but the truth is (a) they’ve been through dozens of pseudo-crises that weren’t; and (b) their lives are full enough of complications that they don’t have the time to become policy wonks.

    Which explains a lot of the misleading advertising by both campaigns….

  22. RAY K> says:

    Steve; your talking about nauseating spin, it`s a fact of life but something we should see thru on these sites. I talk to everyday people at work and it boogles the mind how easily swayed they are on both sides, no wonder people doubted democracy would ever work.

    Since we are a small state, I wonder if the Queen would forgive us and take us back as part of the British Empire, I`ll gladly pay for the tea we dumped. I could use the health care plan and it would be so nice not to be affliated with a nation that elected George Bush TWICE.


  23. Not Brian says:

    UI –

    I really think that has a lot to do with it… too convenient tactically… unless I missed it I did not hear a mention of rescheduling that debate… hmmm…

    I think the ‘Campaign Suspension’ is to keep Palin from getting on a stage without a teleprompter. The staffers were not allowing any audio in coverage of some of her UN meetings, which were just a PR show anyway. I think they are worried about Biden.

    I will not vote for either of them, but I love sitting back to watch them draw blood. By my estimate this is the start of McCain’s campaign really falling apart.

  24. pandora says:

    It’s a huge political mistake. Most people I know are more interested in the Biden/Palin than the Obama/McCain debate. Right or wrong.

    He will not get away with canceling any debate.

  25. anonone says:

    See Palin-Couric interview tonight?

    Couric: I’m just going to ask you one more time – not to belabor the point. Specific examples in his 26 years of pushing for more regulation.

    Palin: I’ll try to find you some and I’ll bring them to you

    What a clueless skin job.

  26. Not Brian says:

    Was that a Blade Runner reference?

    Or did you intend to put ‘whack’, blow’, or ‘hand’?

  27. anonone says:

    Blade Runner

    Skin job = Replicant