Delaware Liberal

McCain Hasn’t Even Read the Bush Bailout Plan.

Un. Fucking. Believable.   And I am talking about the Bush/Paulson plan that was submitted to Congress nearly ten days ago. 


Here is the script:

ANCHOR: As for the massive Wall Street bailout McCain insists it have…

JSM: Oversight that is effective and transparent. We need people like Warren Buffet and Mike Bloomberg and Mitt Romney to have an oversight of this. We can’t put that responsibility in the hands of one person.

ANCHOR: The crunch question. Would you vote for it as it’s presently constructed?

JSM: I have not had a chance to see it in writing so I have to examine that.

The video is from September 23.   Two days ago.    The Emergency Bush/Paulson bailout plan was three pages long, and basically demanded money, eliminated oversight, abolished courts and made Paulson Lord Emperor of the Universe.    

McCain is so divorced from reality that he did not read a three page document for ten days.   You know, maybe McCain finally read it yesterday, and he realized, for the first time, that the economy really is in serious straights, and maybe he realized how woofully unprepared he is to deal with the crisis and/or how unprepared he is to debate.   

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