National Hug a Republican Day
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, by unanimous decree by me, today is National Hug a Republican Day. It has been a rough two weeks as Senator McCain’s campaign as it spiraled out of control from the “fundamentals of the economy are strong” gaffe to his suspension of the campaign yesterday. We as Democrats need to stay vigilant and continue to work towards our goal of electing Senator Obama on November 4th, but take a moment today from your schedule and hug a Republican. At this time, GOPers are in the first stages of grief: Denial. Our Republican brothers and sisters have a difficult road ahead of them as the journey through Anger, Bargaining, Depression and, finally, Acceptance over the next 30+ days.
Please give your Republican friends a hug today and be compassionate, but keep your eyes on the prize because we still have much work to do.
Tags: 2008 Presidential, John McCain, Republicans
It appears that Buffet made a smart move by investing in Goldman. For when this bill goes through it will be the EX head of Goldman who will be doling out OUR $ 700 Billion.
All pundit reaction to Bush’s address last night was rendered superfluous and moot by liberalgeek’s observation last night:
I’ll give a hug to our favorite (or most prolific) troll – {{{{mike w}}}}. It must be depressing watching the Republican party implode.
“Please give your Republican friends a hug today and be compassionate, but keep your eyes on the prize because we still have much work to do.”
Sure looks like the Bush / Copeland administration is in deep trouble!
And how many hugs did liberals/dems receive from repubs in 2000? 2002? 2004?
What’s next?
Hug a torturer day?
Hug a thief day?
Hug a liar day?
Hug a war criminal day?
Hug a racist day?
Or is that redundant? Zing!
Anonone – Why should we hug sore losers who can’t let go of the fact that they lost almost 9 years ago?
“And how many hugs did liberals/dems receive from repubs in 2000? 2002? 2004?”
Well, maybe if you libs ever got past the Diebold denial stage…
As for the topic at hand, I haven’t exactly seen a conservative groundswell of support for the Paulson/Bernanke Golden Bailout. On the contrary, the mood on the right is more one of, “hold on one damn minute now, who gets 700 billion?” (See also: Tyler Nixon’s post here yesterday, and Dave Burris’ “Radical” post of two days ago.) Meanwhile, the Dems are busy trying to figure out how to use this to get Obama elected.
Summary: GWB rearranges the deck chairs on the Titanic, McCain says, “I don’t think so” and Obama votes “present.”
G Rex – Agreed. I’ve seen widespread disapproval of this bailout plan from everyone on both sides of the political aisle
I’m sorry. I don’t hug Dicks!