Delaware Liberal

National Hug a Republican Day

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, by unanimous decree by me, today is National Hug a Republican Day. It has been a rough two weeks as Senator McCain’s campaign as it spiraled out of control from the “fundamentals of the economy are strong” gaffe to his suspension of the campaign yesterday. We as Democrats need to stay vigilant and continue to work towards our goal of electing Senator Obama on November 4th, but take a moment today from your schedule and hug a Republican. At this time, GOPers are in the first stages of grief: Denial. Our Republican brothers and sisters have a difficult road ahead of them as the journey through Anger, Bargaining, Depression and, finally, Acceptance over the next 30+ days.

Please give your Republican friends a hug today and be compassionate, but keep your eyes on the prize because we still have much work to do.

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