Tom Carper: No Comment on Blocking Carney

Filed in Delaware by on September 25, 2008

Even though Tom Carper’s Minister of Communications, Bette Phelan, probably hates my guts, and even though I, likewise, hold her boss in utter contempt, and even though I’m barely a member of the press, allowing all of that – it is her job her job to respond to me right?

Even if I wasn’t writing as a journalists, I’m still a constituent aren’t I?

Attempt #1


Will you comment on the recent disclosure that Tom Carper stopped John Carney from running against Mike Castle? I realize that it would probably be impolitic for you to come right out and say “Yes, Senator Carper told Carney not to run against Castle,” but perhaps you can shed some light on why Carper encouraged Jack Markell to run against Mike Castle, but failed to encourage John Carney to do so.

That would be a great help to me and of great interest to my readership.


Jason Scott

Attempt #2

Bette –

I realize that you are probably in the weeds trying to get President Bush’s Wall Street Insider Bail Out bill passed prior to recess, but I should hope that you’d want take a few seconds to disabuse me of notion that Senator Carper worked to help Mike Castle retain his seat by discouraging John Carney from running against him.

As I mentioned, it is an issue that is of great interest to my 15 readers so any statement from your office would be most appreciated.



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About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. would have been great to say the 2000 to 3000 Delawareans that read this would love to know….

  2. jason330 says:

    I agree. The attempt to serve an ace of self-depreciating humor does clank off the rim like a brick. Well, you can’t a homerun everytime and other sports analogies.

  3. Nancy Willing says:

    I am glad it is early enough for me to laugh at this post (with it?) but I know that later in the day I am going to start throwing things at the moniter.
    I know that freaking Carper is blue-dogging his way into Bushco’s heart.

  4. whisper says:


    Honestly, do you expect a response?

    The “recent disclosure,” as far as anyone else knows, could be some guy talking out his elbow. The source could be a higher-up who was in the room for the Carper conversations, or a junior intern who’s just heard rumors.

    Don’t expect people to take your reporting seriously unless you can provide some backup. Even the MSM give SOME detail about credibility and motivation – “a senior administration official,” “who provided details because he opposed the bailout plan,” etc.