Filed in National by on September 26, 2008

For those of you not watching the debate.  Here is the question:

Once a woman becomes a wife, is there a secret class they are whisked away too, that teaches them to move your shit somewhere?  And when you ask where “said shit” is, they are programmed to say, “I don’t know” which leaves you cursing while you look for your “said shit”?

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hiding in the open

Comments (15)

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    We come pre-packaged that way.

  2. Mrs. Hotviti says:

    DV- then stop leaving your “said shit” out

  3. anon says:

    All my shit is in the basement. Every once in a while I go down there and throw out the stuff that’s dryrotted. It will all be gone soon.

  4. pandora says:

    Stop your whining and pick up your mess!

  5. Not Brian says:

    Go Hotviti!

    That said, I have the same complaint about my wife…

    Pandora- we are not supposed to pick up out shit! That is what our wives are for! And they get demerits for not knowing where we would expect to find it if someone found it!


  6. pandora says:

    NB, that sounds so familiar.

  7. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Donhoni this reminds me of that bit of George Carlin’s:

    ‘My “stuff” is your “shit”.’…an age old vortex.

  8. Puzzler says:

    My wife usually knows where my shit is. The information just costs something. I thought that was how it was supposed to be.

    You guys think too much.

  9. Truth Teller says:

    As a guy who has had my wife picking up my shit for years i find one thing about her she puts it where i can’t find it. However, she has a nack of finding my stuff when i put it away and can’t find it

  10. tt,

    thats because she put it there and made you believe you had put it there!

  11. delawaredem says:

    Ah the disadvantage of being single: I have to blame the evil monkey in my closet when I can’t find my shit.

  12. whispertoo says:

    According to my wife, my shit just flat-out vanishes, because she hasn’t see it in months.

    Miraculously, I usually then find it on the trash bag on the back porch waiting to go out to the curb.

  13. h. says:

    You guys HAVE shit?

  14. Correctionalofficer4brady says:

    We will tell you where “the shit” is – but it will cost you a few sparkly thingies

    ….diamonds are a girls best friends……..

  15. Disbelief says:

    My wife responds “If you guys could have a thought in your head beyond ‘where’s my next beer’ and the TV sports schedule, you wouldn’t need us to find your ‘shit’.

    My favorite wifal response: “Its where you left it.” Thanks for the help, honey.