The Irony is Amazing if you think about it….

Filed in National by on September 26, 2008

Almost exactly 7 years later, he let it happen to our Country again.  But it wasn’t a Mushroom Cloud or a few Saudi’s with Box Cutters.  It was people in our own country, with wallets that weren’t fat enough.

I like to tell people when the final history is written — my point is, there’s a strong will for democracy.” The president used a similar line at a campaign event last week in Alabama and again on Tuesday in Stockton, Calif.

Yep Iraq will look like a comma. 9/11, Iraq, Katrina, Ike, Minneapolis Bridge Collapse, Afghanistan, Guantanimo, Abu Gharib, Waterboarding, Jack Abramoff, Valerie Plame, Downing Street Memo….

comma, after comma.

I can’t wait for the fucking period.

Iraq War

Bridge Collapse



About the Author ()

hiding in the open

Comments (39)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Great post. What does it mean that my long held Bush hatred has turned into deep sorrow and pity over the past year?

  2. mike w. says:

    Sometimes I wonder about you folks…….interesting post to say the least.

  3. Tom S. says:

    This was in poor taste.

  4. mike w. says:

    It’s not surprising Tom – Just more nutty Bush / Republican bashing.

  5. anonone says:

    Gee, Tom S., I guess DL should have shown the graphic 9/11 video the repubs showed at their convention. Remember how you all cheered wildly at all the dead Americans?

  6. delawaredem says:

    That is the difference between Republicans and Democrats. Republicans cheer death. Democrats bemoan it. Mike W, Tom S, you are some sick puppies.

  7. Mike Protack says:

    Is your post attempting to put the financial problems on par with 9/11?

    If so, that thought is pretty sad.

    Let’s face it, Pres. Bush could find the cure for cancer and you would still demonize and hate him.

  8. Unstable Isotope says:

    Bush’s legacy and it’s ugly.

  9. anonone says:

    Mike the Loser:

    $700 billion could have saved millions of children from dying of hunger and disease. It could have provided free health insurance for America’s children for decades. It could have helped clean our air and water and addressed our energy independence so your repubs don’t send people off to die for oil again.

    But saving the millions of children around the world that die each year from hunger and disease would never be an emergency for sick repubs like yourself. Never. You repubs care far more about dollars than lives. Send kids to die in war? No problem. Ask rich people to pony up some dollars to pay for the war? Forgetaboutit. Raise the taxes of the wealthiest to help prevent another 9/11? Noway. Billions for crooked bankers? Absolutely.

    You are just another heartless money-grubbing repub like your hero Bush, Mike Protack.

  10. A. Bundy says:

    “…see the stars

    who’s there?

    can you hear me?

    Who am I?

    what am I supposed to do?”


    You fucking loser! Seriously, you are the most worthless human being that I have ever come in any sort of contact with.

    Donfeces! So shocking! So real! So very, very sad!

  11. A. Bundy says:

    I have a very serious question for all of you. What do you think has been worse, Bush’s presidency or don-monkey’s poetry. Seriously.

    That is a fucking head-scratcher, no?

  12. mike w. says:

    That’s tough, they’re both pretty bad. Just think if DV were Bush’s speech writer…..

  13. jason330 says:

    Yet we seemingly tolerate a rising level of violence that ignores our common humanity and our claims to civilization alike. We calmly accept newspaper reports of civilian slaughter in far off lands. We glorify killing on movie and television screens and call it entertainment. We make it easy for men of all shades of sanity to acquire weapons and ammunition they desire.

    Too often we honor swagger and bluster and the wielders of force; too often we excuse those who are willing to build their own lives on the shattered dreams of others.

    RFK 1968

  14. pandora says:

    Ooh Bundy, can I add a third choice?

    How about trolls that add nothing to the debate. Examples:

    A Bundy – I hate DV. I hate DL. I hate DV. I hate DL. I hate DV. I hate DL. I hate DV. I hate DL. I hate DV. I hate DL. I hate DV. I hate DL. I hate DV. I hate DL. I hate DV. I hate DL. I hate DV. I hate DL. I hate DV. I hate DL. I hate DV. I hate DL. I hate DV. I hate DL. I hate DV. I hate DL. I hate DV. I hate DL. I hate DV. I hate DL. I hate DV. I hate DL.

    Mike W – guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, ad hominem, guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, reading comprehension, guns, guns, guns, Obama sucks,
    guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, ad hominem, guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, reading comprehension, guns, guns, guns, Obama sucks, guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, ad hominem, guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, reading comprehension, guns, guns, guns, Obama sucks, guns, guns, guns

  15. mike w. says:

    Pandora – Good job! Spoken like someone who truly adds nothing to the debate time and time again!

    You want a cookie or something?

    ( I mean seriously, you’ve consistently made pretty much that exact same comment consistently. You must really like to bitch & whine.)

  16. anonone says:

    Mike The Racist:

    I think she’d like you to go away. You waste perfectly good electrons.

  17. mike w. says:

    Well yeah, she bitches & whines when someone says things she doesn’t like. Hmmm, who does that remind me of?

    Oh that’s right. Obama, the guy who’s threatening media in PA and OH because he doesn’t like them airing the NRA’s ads against him.

  18. Von Cracker says:

    Did you see The Daily Show last night?

  19. Von Cracker says:

    pistolas a mediodia, bitches!!!

  20. Mike Protack says:

    anonone , keep hiding because it befits your comments and lack of sanity.

    Mike the Loser:

    $700 billion could have saved millions of children from dying of hunger and disease.

    No, it could not. The corrupt leaders of these countries are the problem not any spending by the US.

    It could have provided free health insurance for America’s children for decades. Health Insurance is never free, someone always pays.

    Perhaps, you have not heard of SCHIP? We already have a program to do what you are talking about.

    It could have helped clean our air and water.

    No it couldn’t and you now that.

    and addressed our energy independence so your repubs don’t send people off to die for oil again.

    We get oil from one Middle Eastern Country-Saudi Arabia.

    But saving the millions of children around the world that die each year from hunger and disease would never be an emergency for sick repubs like yourself. Never.

    Since when it is the responsibility of the US to feed every child in the world?

    You repubs care far more about dollars than lives. Send kids to die in war? No problem.

    Don’t be stupid.

    Ask rich people to pony up some dollars to pay for the war? Forgetaboutit. Raise the taxes of the wealthiest to help prevent another 9/11? Noway. Billions for crooked bankers? Absolutely.

    The rich (top 5%) pay 50% of all income taxes and the percentage of the income taxes paid by the wealthy has gone up in the last ten years.

    You are just another heartless money-grubbing repub like your hero Bush, Mike Protack.

    Pres. Bush is not my hero not am I am a money grubbing anything. I simply do not feel I am responsible for the Family of Man, but my own family.

    Again, stay in hiding it befits you and your thoughts.

  21. anonone says:

    Mike The Loser:

    Your (repub) actions speak louder than your protestations. To think that the only emergency on the planet worthy of $700 billion is to bail out a bunch of Wall Street Gamblers is obscene.

    Everything I wrote above and more could have been done with that money, in spite of your ridiculous assertions.

    “Since when it is the responsibility of the US to feed every child in the world?” Yeah, let ’em die so we can bail out fat cat bankers. Let ’em die, Mike. Let ’em die. Let ’em be sick. Let ’em be starve. Let ’em choke on pollution.

    You tell me, “don’t be stupid”. I’ll tell you, I’d rather be called stupid than be a heartless vapid repub like you.

  22. liberalgeek says:

    The rich (top 5%) pay 50% of all income taxes and the percentage of the income taxes paid by the wealthy has gone up in the last ten years.

    Mike – isn’t this a simple function of the rich getting richer? As a function of wealth, the rich have paid less in taxes in the past ten years. They have also gained a number of other tax evasion vectors with the capital gains tax cuts and the reduction of the estate tax.

    If the owner of a company has increased hi salary 100% in the past 10 years, and all of his employees have stayed at their same salary, guess what? He is paying more taxes. And that bastard has the gall to complain about it, I’d beat the shit out of him.

  23. mike w. says:

    “No, it could not. The corrupt leaders of these countries are the problem not any spending by the US.”

    Thank you Mike! Absolutely correct. We can pump all the money we want into corrupt African & other 3rd world gov.’s and it’s not going to fix things. That said, Obama wants us to send even MORE money to those countries via the Global Poverty Act and the UN. We may as well just piss that money away.

  24. anon says:

    the percentage of the income taxes paid by the wealthy has gone up in the last ten years.

    If the top marginal rate has gone down… capital gains has gone down… dividend tax has gone down… Where the hell are they paying a higher rate? Cigarette taxes?

  25. liberalgeek says:

    The argument is that as a percentage of tax revenue, the upper 5% has taken on more of the burden. I don’t know if it’s true. But Protacks’s argument is akin to dumping a glass of water into a bucket and complaining that there is less water there, because it went fro 8 inches deep in the glass to 1 inch deep in the bucket.

    Just one variable, does not a tax structure make.

  26. anyone else notice our resident racist make this statement?

    We can pump all the money we want into corrupt African & other 3rd world gov.’s and it’s not going to fix things. That said, Obama

    hmmmm, talking about Africa and then……look he mentions Obama….

    the worst part about being a racist is not knowing it.

  27. am I supposed to feel sorry for the rich Mike?

  28. ANON says:

    Protack: its is 911 for the working families of this country. Get used to living like third worlders folks. Our future is in that $700B bailout for Bankster/Gangsters…Greenspan, Bernacke and Paulson/Rothchilds. There is a reason why John MCcain went to visit Ms. Rothschild in NYC…..the international banking cartel using both parties is controlling our future. Wake up there are organization planning marches and protests in 150 cities! Progressives nationwide are screaming, “NO BAIL OUT”.

    Where are you….sitting on your computer whining and bitching. What else have you done to change any of this?

  29. Mike Protack says:

    anonone // Sep 26, 2008 at 3:48 pm

    Mike The Loser:

    Your (repub) actions speak louder than your protestations. To think that the only emergency on the planet worthy of $700 billion is to bail out a bunch of Wall Street Gamblers is obscene.

    The stabilizing force of the $700 billion is important to people who want to borrow for buying a car, for a college loan etc not for Wall Street. You fail to realize that simple fact.

    Everything I wrote above and more could have been done with that money, in spite of your ridiculous assertions.

    No , you are so wrong about the money you speak of for programs. There is no way that $700 billion would pay for all of that.

    “Since when it is the responsibility of the US to feed every child in the world?” Yeah, let ‘em die so we can bail out fat cat bankers. Let ‘em die, Mike. Let ‘em die. Let ‘em be sick. Let ‘em be starve. Let ‘em choke on pollution.

    Answer the question. Is it the responsibility of the United States to feed and take care of the rest of the world? I do not think so. Let their corrupt leaders perform for a change.

    You tell me, “don’t be stupid”. I’ll tell you, I’d rather be called stupid than be a heartless vapid repub like you.

    Heartless? In our race this year we proposed a Universal Health Care plan, affordable housing using excess state lands, a proven plan to reduce gun violence in Wilmington, an aggresive plan to move to alternative and renewable energy.

    Please stay anonymous behind your keyboard exhibiting your complete hatred for so many people who disagree with you. I feel sorry for you and you will always lead a life of quiet desperation.

  30. Not Brian says:

    $700Bln = 2,991 I-35 bridges($234MM for the replacement)
    $700Bln= 1.2 Iraq wars ($583 Million to date)
    $700Bln= 2.5 Katrina’s (based on $300Bln est.)
    $700Bln = 25 9-11 attacks (direct costs of $28Bln)
    $700Bln = 74 years of SCHIP expanded to cover all uninsured childrem ($9.5Bln/year)
    $700Bln = 280 Years of US Humanitarian Aid ($2.5Bln)

    Add up one of each and you have a little over $900Bln… cheaper than the proposed bailout, Bear Stearns, AIG, and Freddie/Fannie.

    Stash – before you rant about anonymous internet people spouting nonsense, check a fucking number.

  31. one of the above commenter’s ran for governor….

    clue…it isn’t the smart commenter name NotBrian

  32. mike w. says:

    “anyone else notice our resident racist make this statement?”

    Yup I made it and I’m right. We pump money into corrupt african governments and have been doing so for decades with nothing to show for it. Pouring money into the UN to funnel to corrupt african government isn’t going to solve the problems facing those that live under those governments.

  33. Not Brian says:

    I am choking back vomit while I do it, but Mike W is correct.

    However, if the US actually has asserted any moral leadership (choking back vomit again) Africa would not be the disaster it has become. There is a colonial legacy of resource extraction and corrupt governments that made those nations what they are.

    Funny thing, China has been supporting corrupt regimes there for a few years, but in order to make their resource extraction easier they are tying their investments to infrastructure projects being completed with portions of the money that the despots will split among their pals… The bi-product some jobs and economic growth. The Europeans did not even have the decency to do that. Now the Chinese have a advantage stealing their diamonds and minerals.

    Throwing cash at Africa is not the answer… but supporting NGOs with some innovative projects has saved children… yet our total humanitarian aid budget is $2.5bln for the world…

  34. I didn’t say he was wrong…

    I just pointed out the fact that our racist buddy was talking about Africa…and then low and behold he mentions Obama

    gee a black guy

  35. anonone says:

    Hey Not Brian,

    Nice stats – puts it into concrete numbers.

    In regards to aid to Africa, U.S. aid has saved a lot of people from starving during droughts and we have helped a lot with AIDS, We could do more, even in spite of corrupt governments, if it was a priority. But we have had rising hunger in this country in the last seven years, too, but repubs don’t care about that.

  36. Not Brian says:

    Personally, had to respond to Mike posting on any thread where the ‘G’ word topic is not inserted where it is not relevant… he has been getting better lately…

  37. mike w. says:

    “I just pointed out the fact that our racist buddy was talking about Africa…and then low and behold he mentions Obama

    gee a black guy”

    You’re an idiot DTB.

    Here’s the part of my comment you didn’t quote.

    “Obama wants us to send even MORE money to those countries via the Global Poverty Act and the UN. We may as well just piss that money away.”

    I didn’t mention Obama and Africa in the same comment because he’s black, I did it because I was discussing aid to Africa and his support for the “Global Poverty Act.” Of course I can’t say I’m surprised. Rather than actually reading and forming coherent thoughts you see the words “Obama” and “Black” and can’t do anything more than scream “Racist.”

    Not Brian – Speaking of the “G” word, I think we should send them to some of the folks being slaughtered in Africa, specifically Darfur.

  38. cheritycall says:

    hi, Give something for help the hungry people in Africa and India,
    I created this blog about that subject: