Delaware Liberal

The Irony is Amazing if you think about it….

Almost exactly 7 years later, he let it happen to our Country again.  But it wasn’t a Mushroom Cloud or a few Saudi’s with Box Cutters.  It was people in our own country, with wallets that weren’t fat enough.

I like to tell people when the final history is written — my point is, there’s a strong will for democracy.” The president used a similar line at a campaign event last week in Alabama and again on Tuesday in Stockton, Calif.

Yep Iraq will look like a comma. 9/11, Iraq, Katrina, Ike, Minneapolis Bridge Collapse, Afghanistan, Guantanimo, Abu Gharib, Waterboarding, Jack Abramoff, Valerie Plame, Downing Street Memo….

comma, after comma.

I can’t wait for the fucking period.

Iraq War

Bridge Collapse



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