Obama drives them nuts

Filed in National by on September 27, 2008

I brought this up last night that Obama drives his competition nuts.  Obviously it is showing to a lot of other people too.  [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ty9BTcERiYY&eurl=http://talkingpointsmemo.com/[/youtube]

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hiding in the open

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  1. Frer says:

    What happened to Pat’s commentary?

    Didn’t like what he said?

  2. DavidV says:

    I think it was fear. McCain knew he could not come across as an angry old man. One look at Obama and his head would explode.

  3. Why worry about this when you’ve got nutcases like Michelle Malkin pointing out that Obama “forgot” the name of the soldier on his bracelet? This is what they do. They pick out niggling little pieces of minutiae and attempt to blow it up into something else because they know they lost the damn debate.

  4. Benjamin says:

    Well, McCain “forgot” how to pronounce the names of the Afghan President and later he mangled the name of the Pakistani President and later he completely misstated Pakistan’s history (Pakistan never was a failed state. It was a – flawed but functioning – democracy in the 90s before Musharraf had his coup).

    So let’s blow shit up. McCain does not even know what he is talking about in his supposed field of expertise.

  5. pandora says:

    Agreed, Benjamin. And it’s these gaffes which will be discussed in detail over the next several days. Unfortunately, unless these gaffes can be reduced to sound bite form I don’t see them getting much play with voters.

  6. jason330 says:

    Get ready for Rick Jensen to pick up the bracelet and try to pump that as the turning point of the election.

  7. jason330 says:

    BTW – I think the “he doesn’t want to talk to the leader of SPAIN” was soundbite worthy.

    Is anyone playing it this morning?

  8. Susan Regis Collins says:

    My perspective on the braclets:

    McCain’s “mom” didn’t want her son to ‘die in vain’.

    Obama’s “mom” didn’t want any more to die.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    He’s driving his competition nuts for a few reasons:

    1. This is not a normal Democratic Presidential campaign. It is being competently run and being run to win — not for the approval of the editorial page of the NYT and WaPo.

    2. The attacks on Obama’s strengths are opportunities for him to further demonstrate those strengths. Competence matters.

    3. A long view campaign that works at shedding its weaknesses, not take them on as a game changer or plays to the base. No drama.

    There’s more, I think — but so far they keep racking up positives while McCain does not. This is certainly not over by a long shot and the McCain camp will ratchet up the personal attacks (and especially the need to make Obama as scary as possible) as this comes to an end. It is just going to get uglier from the McCain camp from here on out and surviving that with credibility and equanimity intact will be key.

  10. pandora says:

    Haven’t heard the “Spain” thing yet. Most are talking about the economy portion of the debate.

  11. pandora says:

    The big story (besides the economy) is how McCain refused to look at Obama. Everyone is talking about it.

  12. anonone says:

    From: http://politicalwire.com/archives/2008/09/27/mccain_caught_on_tape.html

    “At 4:30 in this video clip of last night’s debate you can clearly hear Sen. John McCain mutter “horse shit” two times while Sen. Barack Obama is talking.”

    What do we tell the children?

  13. liberalgeek says:

    wow, anonone, you are right. I guess Obama really did get to him…

  14. Unstable Isotope says:

    As far as the name on the bracelet, I think what happened is that he started to say that the bracelet was give to him by Sgt… and corrected himself by saying the mother of Sgt. x because obviously a dead soldier can’t give him a bracelet himself! And yes, I did notice that last night.

  15. anon says:

    Clinton drove them nuts the same way, on sight… years before Monica.

    I think it’s partly a generational thing (they can’t stand for their juniors to treat them as peers) and partly an anti-intellectual thing (they can’t stand it when liberals are obviously smarter than they are).

    And of course, Obama is BLACK.

  16. anon says:

    … most of all, there is a Republican assumption that God has created a world where executive power is naturally meant to be held by Republicans. So a Democrat who holds or is about to attain executive power is profoundly disorienting and threatening to them.

  17. delawaredem says:

    Obama did not forget the name of the soldier. He started out by saying “it was given to him by Sargeant–” and he stopped because what he was about to say was that the Sargeant himself gave it to him, and that would be wrong—-“uh, the mother of Sargeant….”

  18. anon says:

    Obama’s take on Russia is bothersome. It was indeed the Bush foreign policy of pumping up Georgia with arms and artillery and that wink and a nod from McCain to invade South Osetia by Georgia which caused Russia to intervene. South Osetians are not Armenian, are not Christians and do not wish to be under domination by Georgia. It is the push by Biden and Brezinski which influenced him on calling out Russia as a threat.
    Sorry, it doesn’t help when democrats join the Bush failed foriegn policy. Obama would have been more presidential if he had stated “that indeed a new approach to Russia is necessary and that cooler heads should prevail”. But Biden who is a war hawk was sent to Georgia immediately after the invasion and offered up one billion dollars to “stablize Georgia”. What the hell, how about stabilizing American first, and stop following the “whose gonna take on everyone in the world who disagrees with OUR foreign policy. If Obama is going to be a CHANGE maker then he should surrounding himself with some diplomatic peacemakers not some more warmongers.

  19. anon3 says:

    There is no doubt in my mind that Obama was far superior and presidential in his remarks. The fact that McSame wouldn’t even acknowledge him as a human being, but saw him as the “enemy”, comes from the mind of a paranoid person. Bringing up all those “emotional” issues was not presidential and McCain thinks he can win this race through lies, distortions and character assassination. Obama was cool, reserved, collected and thoughtful in his responses.

    It burned me up that neither of them even spoke about the pending credit card crisis, or spoke in depth about how “deeply hurt our country is in this crisis”. We have not begun to see the ramifications of this failed economy, as more jobs are lost, more mortagages fail…let’s blame the working people not the deregulated unaccountable bankster/gangsters who made a fortune off the misfortune of others.

  20. mike w. says:

    “there is a Republican assumption that God has created a world where executive power is naturally meant to be held by Republicans.”

    Sorry, but I’ve never heard anyone, Republican or Democrat, say this before.