Delaware Liberal

Updated — Snap Polls and Focus Groups!

TNR No real data reported, but this noted that the Luntz/Greenberg focus group went overwhelmingly for Obama.

Think Progress (go look at the video!):

Fox pollster Frank Luntz’s focus group showed that a majority was “moved” by Obama’s performance. They especially liked his answer pointing out that McCain was “wrong” on nearly every aspect of the Iraq war, including when he said the Iraq war would be quick and easy and that Americans would be greeted as liberators

CBS News shows Obama winning 40% and McCain 22%.

UPDATE: CNN Opinion Polling (h/t Matt Yglesias):

Who Did the Best Job In the Debate?
Obama 51%
McCain 38%

Who Would Better Handle Economy?
Obama 58%
McCain 37%

Who Would Better Handle Iraq?
Obama 52%
McCain 47%

Are there more? Drop your links in the comments…

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