Do you have one foot in the grave?
Well then this is a great deal for you if you are Resident of Delaware. I friend of mine that works for the state found this little tax nugget.
It was supposed to be until 9/01/08 I am not sure if it got extended or not. Find out for yourself. Better late than never.
Save yourself $500. next year, your elected politicians aren’t telling you about this. Why the Secret?
Do you know that All 3 counties in Delaware have a tax credit up to $500 that is available to senior citizens regardlesss of your total income.
You must be 65 before 7/1/09.
You must be the owner of the property.
The property must be your principal place of residence.
You must file the application before 9/1/08.
If approved, this credit could provide a 50% reduction in your School tax up to a maximum of $500.
For futher information and get the application, contact the NCC Assessment Division at 302 395 5520 or go to the New Castle County Land Use Web site.
Select Exemptions, read down on the left to “Forms and Applications: and
Select the last one “ State of Delaware senior tax credit application”
and then print the application, read instructions, complete, and mail in before 9/1/08.
Here is the link:
WOW, thanks for posting information about a tax break for people who already pay almost no property taxes in Delaware and that will help our schools by taking a little bit more money away from them… How very democratic of you…
Yeah, only the rich are supposed to be able to avoid every friggin’ tax that they can. It just sucks when the poor old people on fixed incomes can just surf over to DelawareLiberal to find out how to save enough money to be able to buy Fancy Feast instead of Tender Vittles.
Get bent Mike R.
The rich have accountants that stay on top of this stuff.
DelawareLiberal is simply helping the elderly who have outlived their accountants.
I am proud to say that in Appoquinimink WE PROVIDE the paperwork to citizens at every referendum workshop, presentation, and discussion. It is very much integrated into every presentation and focus group. We look out for our seniors….and believe me we have a quite a few we can call upon who are very supportive of our district and it’s initiatives.
9-1-08 how is that deadline gonna help anyone?
That paperwork is updated all the time…it’s just an old sheet. A funny catch though…..
RE: Do you have one foot in the grave?
Following the end of session each year, my fellow Democrats and I send out this letter to all voters in the district over 65. We tell them about decisions made by the Bond Bill committee which affect them, and also give them other pieces of information they might find useful.
We always put New Castle County’s senior property tax exemption front and center.
A copy of part of this years letter follows. I will try to attach the entire letter in an email to liberalgeek for posting purposes. The entire Democrat caucus does this each year to keep our seniors informed. In addition I am hosting an informational workshop presented by Delmarva on October 8th at 10:30 AM at the Newark Senior center that will attempt to give some useful efficiency and conservation tips to help save money. All members of the public are invited. Due to this year’s revenue shortfall, the Bond Bill info is brief, and only takes up the last paragraph.
Of course, feel free to forward the letter to any seniors you know.
John Kowalko
Summer 2008
Dear Neighbors:
The second session of the 144th General Assembly has now come to a close. I want to take this opportunity to inform you of several initiatives and programs you may find of some interest.
Financial Review: The senior school property tax credit program continues to be a success in reducing the tax burden on eligible senior homeowners. To be eligible in New Castle County, you must have turned 65 by June 30, 2008 and you must apply by September 1st, 2008. For application information, please contact the County Assessment Division at 395-5520. Once you receive the credit, you do not have to re-apply each year. In addition, New Castle County Government provides for property and sewer tax reductions depending on your income. Call 395-5520 for more information.
John Kowalko
State Representative 25th