Delaware Liberal

Do you have one foot in the grave?

Well then this is a great deal for you if you are Resident of Delaware.  I friend of mine that works for the state found this little tax nugget.

It was supposed to be until 9/01/08 I am not sure if it got extended or not.  Find out for yourself.  Better late than never.

Save yourself $500. next year, your elected politicians aren’t telling you about this. Why the Secret?

Do you know that All 3 counties in Delaware have a tax credit up to $500 that is available to senior citizens regardlesss of your total income.

You must be 65 before 7/1/09.
You must be the owner of the property.
The property must be your principal place of residence.
You must file the application before 9/1/08.

If approved, this credit could provide a 50% reduction in your School tax up to a maximum of $500.

For futher information and get the application, contact  the NCC Assessment Division  at 302 395 5520 or go to the New Castle County Land Use Web site.
Select Exemptions, read down on the left to “Forms and Applications: and
Select the last one “ State of Delaware senior tax credit application
and then print the application, read instructions, complete, and mail in before 9/1/08.

Here is the link:

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