I Just … Can’t … Believe … it.

Filed in National by on September 30, 2008

The series of segments showing Katie Couric’s interview with Sarah Palin have been slow Chinese water torture.  And they have destroyed Sarah Palin’s candidacy.    Today she destroyed McCain’s argument of experience versus Obama.  Yesterday she could not recall any other Supreme Court case other than Roe v. Wade (even though if you have watched one episode of Law & Order, or any cop / lawyer show, you would know Miranda v. Arizona).   Last week she wowed us with her utter lack of foreign and domestic policy knowledge.

And tonight…..


I mean, how basic is this?   Every one of us, even our conservative friends who grace us with their loving presence each day here at Delaware Liberal, can name off the top of head within seconds the names of the newspapers and magazines we read regularly.   Here, I will do it.

“Del Dem, what newspapers or magazines do you read regularly?

“Well, Katie, I read the Wilmington News Journal, the Delaware State News, I listen to WDEL, I read CNN.com, I read the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal and the Philadelphia Inquirer.”

But Sarah Palin, the supposed next Vice President of the United States, and one day a possible next President of the United States, cannot answer that question.

The reason why is that she does not read newspapers or magazines, I guarantee you.   We have a President already who doesn’t (or can’t) read the news.   How has that worked out?

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  1. pandora says:

    I can’t believe you beat me to this! I will delete!!!

    BTW, Palin is an idiot.

  2. pandora says:

    Don’t worry. This was sooooo sweet!

    On Thursday night Biden should just let her talk and talk and talk. Especially since she doesn’t know when to shut up and only ends up making matters worse.

  3. delawaredem says:

    She makes Bush look like the founding member of MENSA. My God.

    Now many of our conservative friends here at DL are very smart. Steve Newton, Dave Burris, Tyler Nixon, Dave, even Mike W possess intelligence. They are wrong on a host of issues, but at least you know they are somewhat informed as to the issues they are discussing.

    And that is why I begrudgingly respect them. They are worthy adversaries.

    Sarah Palin is not to be respected. She is not informed. She is not intelligent. She has no base of knowledge on anything. And knowing this about Sarah Palin, it has always confounded me why she is so popular with the radical right. And I think I just had an epiphany.

    The radical right do not want their leaders, or anyone for that matter, to be informed, or to possess their own independent and individual intelligence and reason. Why? Because that interferes with their dogma. They would rather have a leader who is a follower. A follower of the ideology the seek to impose on America. And that ideology is so at odds with facts, logic and reason that any intelligent, thinking person cannot possibly adhere to it.

  4. I know Pandora…bastard

    I was q’ing mine up too…

    I got the gotcha one coming up…


  5. karmicjay says:

    Watch out guys.. we may be set up. They are pegging expectations about her so low, that come Thursday anything better than what we have seen so far may be thought of as a victory for her!
    Just playing devils advocate!

  6. pandora says:

    True, karmicjay, but I think the real question concerning Palin is: Is she qualified? A test I already believe she’s failed.

    Still her weakness is her inability to stop answering a question. She just keeps talking (as demonstrated time and time again) and the more she talks the worse it gets.

  7. jason330 says:

    Palin (v) to bluff poorly, esp. with regard to some basic knowledge.

    eg. When the cop pulled be over and asked if I knew why, I palined.

    eg. I’m going to have to palin my presentation tomorrow if I have another drink.

  8. anonone says:

    “I’ll find some and bring ’em to ya.”

  9. JohnnyX says:

    Un-freaking believable. I mean, let’s assume she doesn’t read any newspapers or magazines whatsoever. She couldn’t at least throw out a couple of names that EVERYBODY KNOWS (let’s say um, Time / Newsweek / Wall Street Journal for example) regardless of whether she actually reads them or not? Her contention in this very byte is that Alaska isn’t some kind of distant foreign land – thus it would stand to reason that they have things like TV and the internet there and that she’s probably at least heard a couple names that she could rattle off? This is just nuts.

  10. anonone says:

    Del Dem,

    “Steve Newton, Dave Burris, Tyler Nixon, Dave, even Mike W possess intelligence.”

    Yeah, they’re all so smart that they are going to vote for this empty pantsuit. Sheesh.

  11. karmicjay says:

    Pandora, I hope she keeps yapping away at the debate. The GOP has been working the refs too, getting a debate format to suit her.

    lol@ Jason’s definition of Palin

  12. anonone says:

    Anyway, I think we should, like, give her a break. She was only a journalism major, after all. Yah.

  13. delawaredem says:

    OMG. I forgot about her journalism major. That makes this even more egregious.

  14. cassandra_m says:

    She couldn’t at least throw out a couple of names that EVERYBODY KNOWS (let’s say um, Time / Newsweek / Wall Street Journal for example) regardless of whether she actually reads them or not?

    This is the thing. She’s got all of the self-confidence in the world, and if she had more exposure to the world (read: more information) she’d be a world class bullshitter. And I know from personal experience you can get the NYT, WaPo, WSJ and all of the national magazines in Anchorage and Juneau.

    If she’s faking it, she should get an Academy Award. Please somebody, tell Joe Biden to just let her talk.

  15. mike w. says:

    “Yeah, they’re all so smart that they are going to vote for this empty pantsuit. Sheesh.”

    Correction – I’m voting against Obama / Biden.

  16. Mike Protack says:

    “Biden’s advisers have to keep beating into his head that his normal style … can be offensive,” GOP strategist Ed Rollins said. “He has a tendency, like a lot of senators, to talk down to people. And that’s a danger for him because there are an awful lot of women out there who relate to Palin.”

  17. yowza says:

    Frighteningly, I would have been comforted if she had said all she needs to read is the Bible. At least she’d be reading!!

    mike w. – what is so scary to you about the possibility of GOOD government? you know, that thing we’ve had when Republicans aren’t in office?

  18. cassandra_m says:

    mike w doesn’t get out of his parent’s basement much, so he wouldn’t know.

  19. Unstable Isotope says:

    Yep, Biden should definitely listen to GOP concern trolls like Ed Rollins. I’m sure they have his best interests at heart.

    Basically, Palin is trying to bluff. She obviously doesn’t read any newspapers or magazines but must not thought that was a good answer. She is not a good liar, I guess.

  20. nemski says:

    mrs. nemski is woken up with a loud banging noise from the other side of the room.

    mrs. nemski: what’s that noise?
    nemski: what noise? (hitting his head against the wall)
    mrs. nemski: that one . . . and that one
    (nemski pauses for a moment)
    nemski: oh that . . . i’m banging my head against the wall
    mrs. nemski: do i even have to ask why?
    nemski: (sheepishly) no
    mrs. nemski: we’ve talked about this before?
    nemski: (embarrassed) yes
    mrs. nemski: why don’t you stop watching sarah palin videos and come to bed?
    nemski: oh, okay
    mrs. nemski: i promise you’ll feel better on november 5th.

    nemski turns out the lights, gets into bed and prays that october can fly by

  21. Joanne Christian says:

    You know DelDem–you are right–and I’m sure glad she’s not running for President either–gives us some time to work with her.

  22. Pooping Left Wing Troll says:

    I read newspapers when I poop.

  23. Joanne Christian says:

    Well maybe you should poop on some of those newspapers….

  24. anonone says:

    “gives us some time to work with her”

    Joanne Christian = Delaware’s Sarah Palin

  25. Unstable Isotope says:

    Palin is going to need a lot of work.

  26. pandora says:

    There aren’t enough hours in the day.

  27. DOes anyone know where I can find a clip of Palin answering the question about naming a Supreme Court case? Did this even happen?

  28. delawaredem says:

    Yes, on Talking Points Memo. Hold, I will get you a link to it.

  29. pandora says:

    Has that part of the interview been aired yet?

  30. Yeah, I’ve read it from the same sources. I’m not ready to call this until I see it. The right-wing’s already in a tizzy saying the video doesn’t exist, so it’s on us lefties to make sure it exists.

  31. delawaredem says:

    I guess there is a possibility that it doesn’t exist, since none of us have seen the video yet, but this goes beyond the standard left wing blogosphere rumor, since the Washington Post’s Howie Kurtz has reported on it.

  32. mike w. says:

    “mike w doesn’t get out of his parent’s basement much, so he wouldn’t know.”

    Ah, Cassandra offers her typical personal attack because she lacks the intellectual capacity to discuss things like an adult…..

    What a sad, sad woman.

  33. anonone says:

    Mike the Racist:

    Not much is sadder than your racism and gun addiction.

    Go away.