Archive for September, 2008

George Will get’s it right occasionally; today is that day

Filed in National by on September 23, 2008 13 Comments

Read the entire thing. Under the pressure of the financial crisis, one presidential candidate is behaving like a flustered rookie playing in a league too high. It is not Barack Obama. yowsa! For McCain, politics is always operatic, pitting people who agree with him against those who are “corrupt” or “betray the public’s trust,” two […]

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Why Is The Bailout Urgent?

Filed in National by on September 23, 2008 45 Comments

Seriously. I’ve been reading the usual stuff and haven’t seen anyone who addresses the urgency of this bailout. What is so catastrophic out there that it needs to be taken care of this week? Apparently , and they’ve got lost of exposure too. So why so fast? I admit to not being a fan of […]

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Welcome Nemski

Filed in Delaware by on September 23, 2008 21 Comments

I’ve got to quick post this before he changes his mind. Long time commenter and sage, Nemski is now a DelwareLiberal blogger. PS TO NEMSKI: No telling Pandora or Cassandra how much more the male bloggers at DL get paid.

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they just don’t get it…and never will

Filed in National by on September 23, 2008 7 Comments

Up to 10,000 staff at the New York office of the bankrupt investment bank Lehman Brothers will share a bonus pool set aside for them that is worth $2.5bn (£1.4bn), Barclays Bank, which is buying the business, confirmed last night.

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It’s time to say it. Keating Five.

Filed in National by on September 23, 2008 3 Comments

Last night Jonathan Alter debunked McCain’s whine that the press is picking on him. [youtube][/youtube] So far the press has given McCain a pass on his role in the last financial crisis. It’s time to break the silence. McCain = Keating Five.

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Breaking: Tom Carper Stopped John Carney From Taking on Mike Castle

Filed in Delaware by on September 23, 2008 36 Comments

Carney got as far as “game planning” a run against Castle In late April and early May of this year, while Senator Tom Carper unsuccessfully tried to get Jack Markell to drop out of the Governors race, he successfully stopped John Carney from taking on Mike Castle. A source has disclosed that Carney got as […]

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Which Candidate is the Elitist?

Filed in National by on September 22, 2008 10 Comments
Which Candidate is the Elitist?

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Kowalko on Al Mascitti tomorrow morning.

Filed in Delaware by on September 22, 2008 1 Comment

Reading that title now…I realize it could have another meaning.   But no, State Representative John Kowalko will appear as a guest on Al Mascitti’s show on WDEL tomorrow morning at 9:30 a.m. to discuss, among other things, the Republican push polling being used against him in the 25th District.  Be sure to tune in.

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Economists Warn of Another Market Close to Collapse

Filed in National by on September 22, 2008 7 Comments

Now, this is a crisis! Economists Warn Anti-Bush Merchandise Market Close To Collapse

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Filed in National by on September 22, 2008 106 Comments

If I rape you and as a result you are lucky enough to get pregnant should you be allowed to have an abortion? Bonus Question: Do I have a say?

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Mike Castle’s TV Ads

Filed in Delaware by on September 22, 2008 0 Comments

If you live in New Castle County, you have probably seen Mike Castle’s campaign commercials.   They continue the standard Mike Castle message: “Given all of the problems our country faces, we have to send people to Washington that are willing to work together.” The ad reinforces the central idea that most Delawareans have about Mike […]

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Filed in Delaware by on September 22, 2008 4 Comments

Has anyone seen Karen pushing out Castle on his position of all things going wrong in this country right now? Maybe painting your differences and attacking how the other has sided with BUSH 90% of the time is a half decent strategy worth pursuing. NOTE TO KHN…Pay me 75000.00 and I will ensure that people […]

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trust me

Filed in National by on September 22, 2008 11 Comments

Shhh it’s ok I promise this time is different I am doing it to protect you because I love you you wouldn’t understand we have to do this you have to let me do this it has to be done now It’ won’t hurt you will barely feel it I love you your country loves […]

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