Archive for September, 2008

Fabulous Job Mr. Paulson….

Filed in National by on September 22, 2008 7 Comments

“And so I decided to act and act boldly. It turns out that there’s a lot of interlinks throughout the financial system. The system had grown to a point where a lot of people were dependent upon each other, and that the collapse of one part of the system wouldn’t just affect a part of […]

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Filed in National by on September 22, 2008 33 Comments

I was sitting on the can today and was thinking. I figured out a few things that I thought were worth sharing. Not as good a post like the haybale on fire post mind you, but this should be half as good. We have what? About 300,000,000 citizens in this country? something like 50,000,000 are […]

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From the Files of “Only in Delaware…”

Filed in Delaware by on September 22, 2008 8 Comments
From the Files of “Only in Delaware…”

A hay bale fire has closed the northbound lanes of Interstate 295, causing major backups on both 95 North and Southbounds.   Officials had stated that they expect 295 to reopen around 4 pm. Can I ask where there are bales of hay along 295??  I have never seen them, but then maybe I am not […]

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Campaign Outreach

Filed in Delaware by on September 22, 2008 7 Comments

I hate to do this, because I geniunely want to Karen Hartley Nagle to succeed now that she is our Democratic nominee for Congress, just as I wanted Dennis Spivack to succeed in 2006.   But I have to criticize the KHN campaign for a moment.   Yesterday, Brenda Irwin of the KHN sent out an email […]

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De Ja vu

Filed in National by on September 22, 2008 0 Comments


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Filed in National by on September 22, 2008 1 Comment

When President Bush says “WE NEED TO DO” XY or Z to solve AB or C what on God’s green Earth makes you think 1. it will help you 2. it won’t have something in it that helps the same fucking people that got us here in the first place? Oh look, it does!!!! SHOCKING!!!!! […]

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Has anyone ever seen anything like this?

Filed in National by on September 22, 2008 10 Comments

0% of the public polled feel the economy is getting better.

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I feel sorry for people who listen to Rick Jensen

Filed in Delaware by on September 22, 2008 3 Comments

They must be the most pitiful losers in the world if they are still listening to Jensen when there is a much decent alternative.

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Dodd Takes Steps in the Right Direction

Filed in National by on September 22, 2008 2 Comments

See here. I haven’t read the draft (and won’t until later today) but this looks like a start to remediating the Bush blank check. This likely doesn’t go as far as I’d like, but take a look for yourselves.

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Won’t Get Fooled Again

Filed in National by on September 22, 2008 5 Comments
Won’t Get Fooled Again

A reminder of the consequences of cooperating with BushCo when they say their pants are on fire:

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Did your financial priorities change over the weekend?

Filed in National by on September 22, 2008 27 Comments

Mine did. Like most homeowners Mr. Pandora and I have ongoing projects. Some are still in the planning stage, but others (like the 3rd floor master bedroom suite) are underway. Not anymore. This weekend we implemented a spending freeze. Anyone else making these sort of decisions?

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Oh Man…

Filed in Delaware by on September 22, 2008 1 Comment

Just look. That’s some good blogging Nancy

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New Feature: Get Local

Filed in Delaware by on September 22, 2008 1 Comment

In keeping with our commitment to providing more local politics, we have added a new widget on the right sidebar.  This widget will have the last five local stories easily accessible and still allow us to write fast and furiously on why Sarah Palin’s lipstick caused the current economic crisis.  You can also click on […]

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