Archive for September, 2008

The Legacy of Conservatism

Filed in National by on September 18, 2008 15 Comments

This is not funny. Pressure is building on the pristine “AAA” rating of the United States after a federal bailout of American International Group Inc, the chairman of Standard & Poor’s sovereign ratings committee said on Wednesday. This is what happens when the people entrusted to run your government play by Nigerian email scam rules.

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He’s Always Tommy to Us

Filed in National by on September 17, 2008 9 Comments

Tommywonk, aka Tom Noyes, aka Thomas Noyes, has another article published by The Guardian.  In the article, “Thomas” compares and contrasts Sarah Palin’s “experience” with that of Joe Biden.  I remember when he was just a local guy, writing about folk festivals and windmills.  Now he is a global celebrity.

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McCain’s Royalty Thinks His Voters Are Rednecks

Filed in National by on September 17, 2008 2 Comments

Here ye! Here ye!  McCain surrogate, Her Royal Highness Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, is speaking: [youtube][/youtube] There you have it. Speaking for normal (non-redneck) Americans everywhere, I’m feeling better identified with already.

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Filed in National by on September 17, 2008 31 Comments

If my neighbor on the left is a Jew and my neighbor on the right is an Arab does that mean I could broker a peace agreement in Gaza?

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Mitt Romney “…weedwacker to excessive regulation….”

Filed in National by on September 17, 2008 4 Comments

Minute 7:26 “Take a weedwacker to excessive regulation and mandates.  Put a stop to tort windfalls and to stand up to the tyrannorsaurus appetite of government unions”  Feel free to watch it for yourself if you want to pain yourself and believe my quote… “We need change alright.  Change from a liberal Washington to a Conservative Washington.” […]

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Palin’s Personal Email Account Hacked!

Filed in National by on September 17, 2008 69 Comments

Governor Palin’s personal email account at Yahoo was hacked by “anonymous” the group that has been targeting Scientology.  It’s contents have been sent to WikiLeaks.  There are some screen shots of the emails and some personal pictures.  It also looks like she was using it to circumvent public records rules.

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Uhhhh, from the “R U F’ing Kidding me File”

Filed in National by on September 17, 2008 7 Comments
Uhhhh, from the “R U F’ing Kidding me File”

The pastor whose prayer Sarah Palin says helped her to become governor of Alaska founded his ministry with a witchhunt against a Kenyan woman who he accused of causing car accidents through demonic spells. At a speech at the Wasilla Assembly of God on June 8 this year, Mrs Palin described how Thomas Muthee had […]

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Filed in National by on September 17, 2008 14 Comments

I just flew in from Atlanta….   “Yesterday, John McCain actually said that if he’s president that he’ll take on, and I quote, ‘the old boys network in Washington.’ Now I’m not making this up. This is somebody who’s been in Congress for twenty-six years, who put seven of the most powerful Washington lobbyists in […]

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Not your Liberal Media

Filed in National by on September 17, 2008 17 Comments

Wick Allison, a conservative with National Review street cred, speaks the truth about his party. But today it is so-called conservatives who are cemented to political programs when they clearly don’t work. The Bush tax cuts—a solution for which there was no real problem and which he refused to end even when the nation went […]

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Bounce Over. Obama Takes the Lead, Part II.

Filed in National by on September 17, 2008 31 Comments

And now the state polls are showing signs of catching up to the new reality:   Florida: Obama 48, McCain 48 Indiana: McCain 51, Obama 45 North Carolina: McCain 48, Obama 47 Ohio: Obama 49, McCain 47 Wisconsin: Obama 50, McCain 47 (Time/CNN Battleground polls)

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Breaking: DOW Loses Another 500 points.

Filed in National by on September 17, 2008 8 Comments

And as I type this it rebounds to 454 points.   Still, the second worse trading day of the year.   Second worse trading day since 9/11.   The DOW is now at 10,609.66.     Which means during the whole Bush Presidency, over the last eight years, the DOW has actually lost 50 points.   What…..what is that… alarm clock….the […]

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Bounce Over. Obama Retakes Lead

Filed in National by on September 17, 2008 42 Comments
Bounce Over.  Obama Retakes Lead

Three of the Four National Tracking Polls show Obama back in the lead today, after trending that way since Friday.   The Fourth poll is Rasmussen, and it shows only a one point McCain lead, so Obama will most likely overtake him in that poll tomorrow as well. Research 2000: Obama 48%, McCain 44% Gallup: Obama […]

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Let’s Compare Obama and McCain’s New Economy Ads

Filed in National by on September 17, 2008 14 Comments

First, let’s take a look at Obama’s ad. [youtube][/youtube]   Now let’s see what John McCain has to say. [youtube][/youtube] Whoa, Rambo!  That’s some pretty tough talk.  Got any specifics to back it up?   What exactly is John McCain’s plan for the economy?  Does he even have one?  

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