Archive for September, 2008

Palin Stonewalls

Filed in National by on September 16, 2008 25 Comments

You knew this was coming, right? Back in July, Palin tells us: “I’ve said all along, hold me accountable,” Palin told reporters in Juneau. “And I’m telling the truth when I say that there was never pressure put on Commissioner Monegan.” Then we have the ex-Commissioner responding: “She’s not telling the truth when she told […]

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Now This is Cool.

Filed in National by on September 16, 2008 3 Comments
Now This is Cool.

At Penn State’s game two weeks ago, some enterprising students created this:

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Out of Touch Watch — Many Americans Not Paying Taxes At All

Filed in National by on September 16, 2008 41 Comments

Perhaps in his social circle, but come on now: [youtube][/youtube]

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Filed in National by on September 16, 2008 38 Comments

What if… Bush had succeeded in privatizing Social Security?

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McCain: “I invented the Blackberry.”

Filed in National by on September 16, 2008 22 Comments

I love it when a meme takes hold in the zeitgeist.   McCain is now labeled forever as a dishonorable liar who will say anything, and I mean anything, to get what he wants.     Sometimes memes take hold that are not true.  We all remember Al Gore, and how the right wing pushed the line that […]

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Drill Here, Drill What?

Filed in National by on September 16, 2008 10 Comments
Drill Here, Drill What?

Yesterday, I wrote about the current state of play of the legislation up to allow for off shore drilling. Finally, someone provides the graphic that shows the magnitude of the latest bamboozlement over off shore drilling: Source: 9/11/08 Gristmill Using data from the US EIA. There isn’t much oil to get, according to this Government […]

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The Fundamentals

Filed in National by on September 16, 2008 4 Comments

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Shouldn’t they be dancing around Snakes too?

Filed in National by on September 16, 2008 32 Comments

Sarah Palin’s Churches and The Third Wave from Bruce Wilson on Vimeo.

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To Be a Fly on the Wall…

Filed in National by on September 16, 2008 15 Comments

Jack Markell sat down with Ruth Ann Minner for a 90 minute meeting yesterday.   It would seem that Minner continued with her disgusting bitterness, because she was not the one who invited Jack over for the meeting, as would be the gracious and proper thing to do.   Jack had to request an audience, apparently.    Markell […]

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The Chairman is Not Amused.

Filed in National by on September 16, 2008 5 Comments

In the aftermath of his surprise announcement last week that he was dropping out of the gubernatorial race, Mike Protack told the News Journal  in an article this morning that he would not be endorsing or campaigning for Bill Lee, but he would like to help out the aging liar, John McCain.  Mike, you might as […]

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Mike Castle will not get another free pass

Filed in National by on September 15, 2008 13 Comments

A total of 271 current members of Congress have received donations from Merrill and its employees, collecting $3 million since 1989, with 72 percent going to Democrats. But GOP Congressman Mike Castle, of the House Financial Services Committee, is the No. 1 recipient of the firm’s PAC, with $38,500 in donations since 1993. Is Mike […]

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Filed in National by on September 15, 2008 9 Comments

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Filed in National by on September 15, 2008 0 Comments

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