Archive for September, 2008

Have you visited the McLieometer yet?

Filed in National by on September 15, 2008 1 Comment

You should….

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He just has no clue.

Filed in National by on September 15, 2008 35 Comments

In the worst day for the financial markets since the Great Depression, this is what McSame has to say: [youtube][/youtube] He thinks our economy is strong.     

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Biden….just sayin…

Filed in National by on September 15, 2008 2 Comments

Laying the thunder!!! “America needs more than a great solider,” he says. “America needs a wise leader.”   “When Senator McCain was subjected to unconscionable, scurrilous attacks in his 2000 campaign, I called him on the phone to ask what I could do,” Biden, a longtime senator from Delaware, will recall, according to the excerpts. […]

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A Consequence of Minner’s Bitterness

Filed in National by on September 15, 2008 16 Comments

What if…..what if Minner appoints a Republican to fill Biden’s seat?   There is no requirement that Biden’s replacement be a Democrat.  What if the wench, in a final “F*ck You” to the Democratic Party, appoints Mike Castle?  

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A Man of Dishonor.

Filed in National by on September 15, 2008 2 Comments

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What Really Matters to Bush

Filed in National by on September 15, 2008 6 Comments
What Really Matters to Bush

 This is a picture of President Bush yesterday at a briefing on Hurricane Ike.   According to the caption of this photo, the map in front of him is of all the oil and gas pipelines affected in the Houston area.  At least we know what matters to Bush.  

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just sayin

Filed in National by on September 15, 2008 0 Comments

McCain admits the economy isn’t his strong suit…..

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Finally! A Delaware Poll!

Filed in National by on September 14, 2008 17 Comments

The Republican leaning Rasmussen Reports finally polled Delaware.   And the results were not surprising. Obama-Biden 55% McCain-Palin 43% Not surprisingly, most Delaware voters—54%– say Obama made the right decision when selecting Senator Joe Biden to be his running mate. Just 40% say that John McCain made the right choice when he selected Alaska Governor Sarah […]

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Will the Stock Market Collapse Tomorrow?

Filed in National by on September 14, 2008 26 Comments

Today has been perhaps the most eventful day in Wall Street history since October 29, 1929.  And tomorrow may top it.     In a literal barrage of horrible news, it has been announced over the last few hours that Lehman Brothers will file for bankruptcy, and by all accounts, will be liquidated; and Merrill Lynch will […]

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Workforce Housing Ordinance Online

Filed in National by on September 14, 2008 11 Comments

New Castle County has workforce housing links on the land use page.  The text of the law is there as well.  I really need to do an annotated version of the it, but for now, immerse yourself.  The handouts to developers are pretty easy to spot, they’re everywhere. There is a council meeting on Tuesday […]

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Has McCain gone too far with his sleazy ads?

Filed in National by on September 14, 2008 33 Comments

Just ask Karl Rove. “McCain has gone in his ads one step too far, and sort of attributing to Obama things that are, you know, beyond the 100-percent-truth test,” said Rove. “Both campaigns ought to be careful about… there ought to be an adult who says: ‘Do we really need to go that far in […]

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Bluewater Wind and Willett Kempton in The NY Times Magazine

Filed in National by on September 14, 2008 5 Comments

Thanks to Tom Noyes for letting us know about this article in the Sunday NY Times magazine.  It is a six page article that covers the whole journey of Bluewater.  Copeland and McDowell get called out for their opposition.  Tommywonk also gets a quote.

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Further Adventures in Homeland Security

Filed in National by on September 14, 2008 5 Comments

How to get yourself off of the No Fly list: Change your name. Don’t know how smart it was for this guy to advertise his workaround, but if you are on the list and have the right legal fees and some time, here’s your solution. How safe are you feeling? Sheesh, these are supposed to […]

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