Nancy has the full presser, but here is a taste of it:
During a candidate’s forum sponsored by the Medical Society of Delaware, Castle was asked about corporate financing of political campaigns. “I was surprised by his answer,” Hartley-Nagle said. “The first part of his response was the fact that corporations do not finance federal campaigns. That’s true but it’s a half truth. He did not admit to the fact that the corporate sector, along with other broad interests in American politics, contribute to political candidates through Political Action Committees (PACs). Our research on his PAC contributions show that at least 44% of the more than $1.5 million he has received for this cycle come from PACs related to the financial services industry. Corporate members supplement their PAC contributions with individual contributions, which is also perfectly legal. As we identify individuals from the industry who contribute to him, the amount rises to more than 60%. Mike is a key member of Congress’ Financial Services Committee. He answered the question in a way to disguise from Delawareans the main sources of campaign money.”
I wish she’d been slamming him for the past month, but she is getting warmer.