KHN Starts Hitting Castle on Financial Sevices Contributions
Nancy has the full presser, but here is a taste of it:
During a candidate’s forum sponsored by the Medical Society of Delaware, Castle was asked about corporate financing of political campaigns. “I was surprised by his answer,” Hartley-Nagle said. “The first part of his response was the fact that corporations do not finance federal campaigns. That’s true but it’s a half truth. He did not admit to the fact that the corporate sector, along with other broad interests in American politics, contribute to political candidates through Political Action Committees (PACs). Our research on his PAC contributions show that at least 44% of the more than $1.5 million he has received for this cycle come from PACs related to the financial services industry. Corporate members supplement their PAC contributions with individual contributions, which is also perfectly legal. As we identify individuals from the industry who contribute to him, the amount rises to more than 60%. Mike is a key member of Congress’ Financial Services Committee. He answered the question in a way to disguise from Delawareans the main sources of campaign money.”
I wish she’d been slamming him for the past month, but she is getting warmer.
Her attacks won’t mean all that much. Unless you can draw a quid pro quo it doesn’t have any substance.
I thought McCain Feingold took care of campaign finance reform?
Mike: speaking the fact on some ones record is not an attack…its a fact! Mike Castle can’t afford to permit the “moderate” label he has carried here in Delaware to have truth and fact change his truth. Mike Castle is a solid Bush/McCain enabler.
You thought McCain/Feingold took care of finance reform…how can you make such a statement?
Are you working for Mike Castle too, Mike! Or just the repuke label? Castle has been on the wrong side of many issues and he always “dances to the tune of the one who brung him” Corporate America and corporate Delaware have a solid full time vote in Congress with Mike Castle. What has he done for the citizens of Delaware? Perhaps you could dig up some record on anything he has “actually done”?
Yeah, I’m sure it’s a winner of a position to say, as she did to Allan Loudell, that she would vote against the financial services industries, Delaware’s No. 1 employer.
Nice to see we have our own Sarah Palin here in Delaware.
Geezer: its about supporting working families, you know Main Street..not Wall Street. The bill was flawed to the core. The Senate bill was loaded up with more tax giveaways to Wall Street and the bankers. If the Senate plan had any feet why didn’t Wall Street go up this morning, not down. The Senate Bill has NO regulations, no accountability and gives George Bush $100b…with no accountability. Great lets give the thieves even more money, and bankrupt working people. Castle voted against the Credit Card Reform bill, how does that help working people, it doesnt but it keeps those credit card companies able to compound interest on our credit cards.
You are one sick individual to make a stupid remark, “we have our own Sarah Palin in Delaware” in referece to KHN. Its true we do have our own Sarah Palin, but her name is Christine O’donald.
“You are one sick individual to make a stupid remark, “we have our own Sarah Palin in Delaware” in referece to KHN.”
Good looking, no substance … I stand by the comment. And you’re the one I’m worried about…”sick individual”? For calling a spade a spade? If you want to kiss her ass, please close the curtains.
Its true we do have our own Sarah Palin, but her name is Christine O’donald.
heh! tis true. I kept thinking of O’Donnell last night watching Palin.