Filed in National by on October 1, 2008

How low do you think the GOP will go to try and win this election?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’m not sure anymore. I think some may be saying to themselves to let Obama win and get the blame for the financial problems that are coming.

  2. mike w. says:

    Not as low as threatening people in order to chill free speech you don’t want out. That’s clearly an Obama thing.

  3. pandora says:

    I think the McCain campaign is about to get real ugly. I predict tons of personal smears and character assignation. Don’t think it’ll work, but I think it will be heading in a very nasty direction.

  4. RAY K> says:

    Unstable Isotope is absolutly correct, the economy in the next 4 years is going to be a horror show of high unemployment, business failures, and general suffering the likes of which have not been seen since the 1930. The party that wins in november will be a dead man walking in 2012.

  5. mike w. says:

    Ray – You really think we’re going to see 30% unemployment numbers in the next 4 years?

    I bet we don’t even see double digits.

  6. Not Brian says:



    Says the supporter if the douchebag who threatens the outlets (CNN) who had the nerve to ask a question that the campaign manager could not answer! The nerve! All the stuff they have said about the NYT! The Buhites running his campaign are nazis… he was better off with his 35 minute discussions with his press every day than he is now with the carefully crafted message (propaganda).

    You love the being in the bubble, huh?

  7. Joanne Christian says:

    Mike w.–I’m not so sure about 30%–but I bet we do see double digits also….and the reason…the elite attitudes of Americans, who won’t just do anything to provide for their keep…and the enabling programs in place that allow just enough for them to keep it together—and not work. Dignity in all work should be taught–and not just the job you want or are waiting for!!!!

  8. Kilroy says:

    “How low do you think the GOP will go to try and win this election?”

    Until O’Donnell Marries Mike Matthews!

  9. anonone says:

    Lower than Mike the Racist’s basement floor.

  10. Truth Teller says:

    More than likely lower than Whale shit and we all know where that settles.

    Also i see that our child like poster boy Mike W is back.

  11. mike w. says:

    “You love the being in the bubble, huh?”

    Brian – I think you’re in the bubble here. Obama has actually threatened news outlets with revocation of their FCC broadcast licenses.

  12. RAY K> says:

    Mike W; I see you live in the sweet blissful land of ignoring financial data because it`s depressing. Just today The ISM report say the biggest one month drop ever, Toyota reported a 34% drop in sales for the first time ever. Think about all the domino`s that fall when just the car business comes to a halt. Not to mention every other business that depends on financing. 30% unemployment doesn`t mean as much as underemployment, people working reduced hours at lower pay. We have been losing jobs for 9 consecutive months, unless you can tell me why that will turn around double didget unemployment could be hit as early as Q2 of 2009.

  13. anon says:

    the elite attitudes of Americans, who won’t just do anything to provide for their keep…

    Wait… I thought American workers were the strong fundamentals of our economy?

    and the enabling programs in place that allow just enough for them to keep it together—and not work.

    Damn those disabled and elderly leeches, ruining it for everybody.

    Joanne you need to update your rhetoric… next I expect to hear from you about the welfare queens in Cadillacs who buy an orange with food stamps, and buy vodka with the change.

  14. Mark Homewood says:

    With the selection of Palin, I thought they had already given up 🙂

  15. R Smitty says:

    How low do you think the GOP will go to try and win this election?

    Until we lose.

    No, wait! I mean, until we w…

  16. Joanne Christian says:

    anon–you conveniently mix issues–elderly and disabled doesn’t equate to able-bodied and employed, under-employed, unemployed, and not looking while I have these benefits. Be fair…

  17. anon says:

    able-bodied and employed, under-employed, unemployed, and not looking while I have these benefits

    What benefits?

  18. Steve Newton says:

    exactly how does one do a character assignation anyway?

    get in Mickey masks and meet behind the barn?


  19. Joanne Christian says:

    Depending on the situation…..best case situation…a severance package…..and on down to unemployment, food stamps, Medicaid, WIC, rent assistance, fuel stipend,and any other host of services available to reduced or qualifying income persons.

  20. pandora says:

    I hate it when I’m stupid!

  21. Not Brian says:


    Maybe I missed it… what local TV stations did he threaten? No one else is licensed by the FCC…

  22. Brian – I think you’re in the bubble here. Obama has actually threatened news outlets with revocation of their FCC broadcast licenses.


    have you learned nothing yet MTR?

  23. Kilroy says:

    R Smitty
    “No, wait! I mean, until we w…”

    Sorry Smitty can’t help myself,
    until we w.., wipe our own asses with our own money not the taxpayer’s!

    “I hate it when I’m stupid!”
    Don’t worry about it! You’ll get use to it, I did!

    Hope to see you all at Timothy’s tomorrow night!

  24. pandora says:

    Can’t make Timothy’s. Hopefully I’ll see you soon.

  25. mike w. says:

    Aren’t Thursdays free taco night at Timothy’s?

  26. Kilroy says:

    mike w.
    “Aren’t Thursdays free taco night at Timothy’s?”

    All shit, you mean there is going to be illegal mexicans there!

  27. pandora says:

    Gov. Matt Blunt is playing politics:

    Jennifer Joyce Statement (DA)
    Joyce released this statement to the press:

    As a citizen, I believe that elections should be about issues. I also have enormous respect for our First Amendment and freedom of speech. My sole purpose in participating in this initiative is about getting truthful information to the voters. This has never been or never will be about prosecuting people.

    Clearly there are those who are attempting to twist the purpose of this initiative for their own benefit. This attack is a great example of how the truth is distorted in campaigns and what we’re trying to stand up against.

  28. Not Brian says:

    Oh! Sorry Mike! Forgot lying to smear someone was libel…

    “John McCain eats babies and smokes crack cocaine from their hollowed out sculls.” ‘

    Is that an acceptable ad?

    Forgot. You are a Republican. I guess it would be.

  29. miscreant says:

    Probably not as low as the “Educate the Idiots” initiative in Colorado.

    “In a confidential internal memorandum obtained by Face The State (PDF), the Colorado Democracy Alliance outlines a roster of “operatives” who worked for Democratic victory in the 2006 general election. The document outlines specific tasks for various members of the state’s liberal infrastructure, including a campaign to “educate the idiots,” assigned to the state’s AFL-CIO union. Among the operation’s intended targets: “minorities, GED’s, drop-outs.”


  30. mike w. says:

    “Oh! Sorry Mike! Forgot lying to smear someone was libel…”

    Sorry but this is a moronic statement. If the ads Obama is pissed about are libelous then he should sue. Instead he’s using government intimidation to stifle free speech he doesn’t like.

    But hey, you’ll defend anything if it means an Obama win, to hell with decency, the Constitution, or the “new kind of politics” Obama has promised and already failed to deliver.

  31. Not Brian says:

    Actually Mike, I won’t be voting for him… mostly because I find the Democratic party as laughable on the issues that really matter to me as I find the Republicans. Throw a wad of cash in front of either party and they would justify ANYTHING.

    A far as the pathetic state of our democratic process though, McCain’s campaign has been hitting new lows… not low enough for me to vote for the Dems, but it really is sad…

    The question on the thread was about how low the Republicans would go, you are refuting it with information on a misleading ad buy one of their surrogate organizations and legal action that the Obama campaign has threatened to go to court over… there is no bottom to the lows McCain will go…

    And if Obama was in the same spot I am sure he would go dirty, but do you really think he would go as low as the Republicans are? You should be ashamed defending it either way…