What is she saying here?

Filed in National by on October 3, 2008


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hiding in the open

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  1. Truth Teller says:

    Anyone think that she was acting during the Katie C interviews???????

  2. DavidV says:

    No! She just didn’t have her cue cards with her. Everyone had to see that last night. She was steady reading her notes and couldn’t answer any questions that she didn’t have notes for. I felt like I was watching Joe debate a fifth grader.

  3. pandora says:

    Did she just blame Main St. for the mess on Wall St.? Oh my.

    That’s the problem with memorization. If you don’t understand what you’re talking about it’s easy to mix things up. Last night she reminded me of a 1st grader who has learned the Pledge of Allegiance and says “one nature under God”.

    There simply was no understanding behind her words. I also think we’ve seen the last of Sarah Palin… unless someone thinks she’ll be giving another interview before the election? Ha!

  4. anonone says:


    I sooo hope Mcsame hasn’t doomed the country to having her appear on talk shows for the next decade as “very serious” repub spokesmodel a la Joe Lieberman.

  5. Dorian Gray says:

    When you’re reading rather than speaking you really shouldn’t say it the wrong way round, should you? But whatever it is just a minor slip. No big deal.

  6. Unstable Isotope says:

    Now that I’ve had time to sleep on it, she really bugged me. I thought she did an ok job considering her task, but her inappropriate expressions and demeanor put me off. She smiled the whole time, even when she’s talking about a holocaust. It was just strange. It came across as fake, like she was acting. A lot of pundits are talking about her inappropriate response after Biden’s emotional moment as well. Her cutsiness and winking got on my nerves after a while.

    I thought Joe Biden was pitch perfect. He was gentlemanly and he connected emotionally. He didn’t attack her – he just let her talk. He went after John McCain, which I think was his job.

    I doubt many minds were changed, but I think we know that people vote for the top of the ticket. I think Palin stopped the bleeding for herself somewhat but some of her nonsense from last night is starting to be noticed more. I think she really is running for 2012 now.

  7. poser says:


    If you’ve never mixed up words in your head by the time they come out of your mouth, or you’ve never typed a phonetically similar but meaningless word, then I guess you our a super human been.

    Mine as well just elect you.


    (PS….we’ll need a LOT OF LIPSTICK!!!!)

  8. June says:

    She is remarkably talented at saying nothing substantive.

    And I thought the questions were lame, and the moderator did a weak job.

  9. nemski says:

    June, agreed.

    Iflin(?) was completely ineffective. Palin did what she had to by not imploding. Biden did what he had to as well.

    All in all the debate will have no affect on the general election. As Chuck Todd said this morning, McCain pulling out of Michigan and pouring his resources and money into Indiana will have a bigger effect.

  10. MJ says:

    This is what happens when dumb people try to sound smart.

  11. galumph says:

    I mix words up all the time, Pandora, including my kids’ names. There’s a knuckle sandwich waiting for anyone who would like to criticize me about it or accuse me of not knowing what I’m talking about. I know the material; what I lack is the suave tongue to craft ear porn that meets your tastes.

    I blame global warming. (Everybody else does eventually, so I’ll start there for a change of pace.)

  12. pandora says:

    A knuckle sandwich? Oh my. What are you auditioning for? The Three Stooges? Why I oughta…

  13. galumph says:

    No…..Coach Hines, on MAD TV…
