“Kill him”
wow, just wow. These are the people at Palin/McCain rally’s
Palin speaking here:
Now it turns out, one of his earliest supporters is a man named Bill Ayers,” Palin said.
“Boooo!” said the crowd.
“And, according to the New York Times, he was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, ‘launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol,'” she continued.
“Boooo!” the crowd repeated.
“Kill him!” proposed one man in the audience.
Update: This comment deserves a special nod with this post:
Dominique // Oct 6, 2008 at 9:07 pm
Ooooh, soooo scary! I guess since the world revolves around The Almighty Obama, it never occurred to you that the guy was probably referring to Ayers. Over-dramatize much?
It’s ok to scream KILL HIM at a rally, as long as it isn’t directed at Obama. For those of you that don’t know. This is a bitter Hillary supporter.
I hope the Secret Service is investigating. This sounds very serious.
Ooooh, soooo scary! I guess since the world revolves around The Almighty Obama, it never occurred to you that the guy was probably referring to Ayers. Over-dramatize much?
This is scary. If McCain is looking for a reason to “suspend” his campaign again this seems like a good reason. Palin and McCain had better watch their words and exactly what sort of element they’re stirring up.
OH, that’s right, sorry bitterique, I guess it’s ok that he meant KILL HIM and it wasn’t Obama.
Sorry, my bad. No biggee, just a guy screaming out KILL HIM at a Palin rally.
So you are saying it is ok then I guess. Nice.
So, we spent 8 years with a president who would have people removed and detained for having the wrong bumpersticker and you think I’m being overdramatic? I said investigate, not execute. We should find out what that person meant, shouldn’t we?
No, Dominique. Palin and McCain are throwing red meat to the crowd. To them there is no difference between Ayers and Obama. Just stop it.
Dominique is a nice person (and pretty hot) but a blind dumb brain dead idiot when it comes to anything having to do with Obama.
As for Palin, she is a despicable piece of human garbage. So is the guy who yelled, “Kill him.”
Pathetic losers saying pathetic losery garbage.
But yeah, they should still be treated like the infidels they clearly are.
Hmmm…you guys have never said anything like that about a terrorist? Seriously? What about vicious criminals like the guy who buried Jessica Lunsford alive with her stuffed animal after repeatedly raping her? Would it be ok to yell “Kill Him!” about that guy?
Jason – I will take your first sentence as a compliment, I think. It pretty much sums up what I think of you, too. 😉
The guy who buried Jessica Lunsford alive with her stuffed animal after repeatedly raping her is not running for President.
bitterique you are such a silly lady. so we are assuming the person was talking about Ayers.
and since we are assuming that we are now making a wild leap to a pedophile killer?
you really are a bitter woman.
Donbitty –
You are such a small-minded man. It’s not a wild leap when everyone is up in arms about someone yelling “Kill Him!” about a criminal.
I’m not saying it was ok for him to do it. It was stupid. I’m just saying it’s not particularly newsworthy nor is it reason for an investigation of any sort.
Don’t let your Obama-love blind you completely.
Much love,
“These are the people at Palin/McCain rally’s”
hmm, so ONE GUY, out of a crowd of at least tens of thousands of people shouts “kill him” and you jump to the conclusion that “these are the people at Palin/McCain rally’s.”
Not surprising coming from you DV.
Nice touch adding my comment to the post. It’s about time you added something substantive to your drivel.
Much love,
The guy was at a McCain/Palin rally. Geez, with all your guilt by association comments when it comes to Obama you’d think you’d at least try to be consistent.
Bottom Line: You don’t have to be a Republican to be blood thirsty racist freak – but all the blood thirsty racist freaks I know are Republicans.
Apparently can’t see that political associations of politicians are different than the words of some random guy. This guy attended a public rally with tens of thousands of people and made a two word comment. Bill Ayers worked on a radical Chicago education project with Obama.
If you really can’t see the difference then you’re delusional beyond help.
I’ll take your Ayers and raise you a Charles keating
one of these 2 fella’s did more damage to the country..you betcha
hmm, now who’s taking a thread off-topic DV?
Better censor your own comments now.
This is just like Florida in 2000! This is a Rove tactic. You can bet the person who yelled Kill him, was set up to do so when Falin Palin brought up Obama in the same sentence with Ayers!. Kill him is ok with you Dominque? My God woman you have totally lost it this time.
I recall in Gov. Russ Petersonson book he recalled in 1964 (I think it was) the Republican convention with Goldwater and Rockefeller. The right wing nuts supporting Goldwater screamed in unison, “kill him, kill him”, when Senator Rockeffer went on stage.
Gov Peterson and his wife were so shocked they immediately packed and left the convention.
Desperate people do desperate things, again is Palin trying to get some lunatic mad nuff, angry nuff to try something dumb?
Nope, not me, Mike. You’re making excuses and drawing imaginary lines. And not once in any of your comments have you denounced this man’s words as either dangerous or stupid. Oh, and we have no idea if this was a random guy – probably was, but we have no proof.
Face it, Mike, you’re a republican apologist who pretends he’s above the fray.
“Face it, Mike, you’re a republican apologist who pretends he’s above the fray.”
Says the women who won’t read my blog and yet thinks she has the knowledge and insights to make judgments about me.
Hint – I’m not a republican, and I’m most certainly not a “republican apologist.” Not for the current so-called “Republicans” running things these days.
This’d be a story if a substantial group of folks were chanting “Kill him.” When one nut says it at a political rally it’s a non-story.
‘Bottom Line: You don’t have to be a Republican to be blood thirsty racist freak – but all the blood thirsty racist freaks I know are Republicans.’
You don’t get out much, do you? Have you been to Elsmere or a union hall (is that redundant)?
It’s now a radical Chicago education project with Obama?
1. Obama and Ayers served on the board for the Woods Fund of Chicago. Read about it.
2. Obama served as president of the board of the Annenberg Challenge. Read about it.
3. Ayers hosted a meet and greet for Obama back in ’95. In hindsight this might now have been the best thing for Obama to do, but remember Ayers and Obama lived in the same neighborhood and that Ayers, believe it or not, is well respected in Chicago.
And Mike is still making excuses. Read your blog? Last time I dropped in you were suffering a case of teenage angst over whether or not to tell your father about your love of guns and the truth of how many you actually own… and I presume keep in his house.
Funny, Dom… and, dare I say, a tad elitist! 🙂
note: nemski ran this troll through babel fish several times to make it coherent.
„The line of the ground: You do not have to be summers of republican for the blood – but already the eccentric blood racist racist fanatical us weet me the republicans. “There are such a small fat pathetic man is, Jason Scott. L’ union f.cktards of Delaware is the more racist people that j’ they have known, and lecchereste them thus a lot gladly ballsweat since you would vote for they.
Ummm. “Kill Him” is never an appropriate response. If after the guy said that, the crowd beat the living shit out of the guy, fine. But if he made it out of there without someone telling him to STFU then the people around him are just as responsible.
There is no place for that behavior. To argue otherwise is idiotic.
“But if he made it out of there without someone telling him to STFU then the people around him are just as responsible.”
So you are also guilty of deldem’s threat to kill all Republicans?
So your idea of “appropriate” behavior is to beat the shit out of someone who says something stupid and incendiary?
Sorry but assault is not acceptable behavior. To argue otherwise is idiotic.
mike do you have an actual position on the post or just going to comment on the commenters?
Telling him to STFU isn’t assault.
And Pinhead, do you know that I did not say anything to DD?
But yelling “kill him” is a-okay. I see LG’s point. Did the crowd condone his behavior, or not? Did they cheer him on, or not?
“and I presume keep in his house.”
Nope. I don’t keep them in his house. Besides, it’s a relevant topic given my wishes to combat irrational fears and hoplophobia, especially those that occur within my own family.
Mike W is apparently OK with shouting “kill him” about people. They apparently teach a pre-law class on lynch mobs these days.
I was kind of hoping you beat the sh.t out of him…..
DV – If you’d read comment #13 you’d see I already commented on the post. Read or shut the hell up.
LG – I don’t know where you get stuff sometimes. Wonderful interpretation of my comments.
Oh yeah, mike w, the “radical education project”. That was funny.
good then you shouldn’t have anything else to say…
got it mike. I’ll remember your “just one guy” logic in
Ayers, just one guy of probably about 10,000 people Obama has met with or had dinner with….
so, based on your logic of it being just one guy yelling “KILL HIM” Ayers shouldn’t really be a big deal to you either…
I’ll take your Charles Keating and raise you a Tony Rezko and a Louis Farrakhan.
Apart from the fact that McCain was exonerated in the Keating scandal, he has said that it was a horrible mistake. It was that event that led him to fight so tirelessly for campaign finance reform. Obama, on the other hand, is completely unapologetic about his shady associations. He just minimizes everyone as ‘a guy I barely know’ or ‘a guy from the neighborhood’ or he claims to have not been aware of the shady activities in spite of the fact that they were all very well publicized. And you guys just sit back and swallow it. Thank you, sir, may I have another?
Yeah DV, because Ayers just yelled two words to him while in a crowd one day.
Ayers was NOT just “some guy from Obama’s neighborhood.”
Dom- Don’t forget the wonderful Rev. Wright, or Obama’s work with the Joyce Foundation.
he has said that it was a horrible mistake.
my bad, all is forgiven now. No biggee
Edit me again, **** edited again ****
Thanks, Coward.
Give Coward, Jr. a kiss.
Pinhead – Seems DV’s back to his old ways, censoring dissent. Or maybe that was Jason that did it last time?
Who cares? They’re all alike.
pinhead is redproud and he has been banned for incredibly offensive comments mike. but leave it up to you to bury your head in the ass of anyone that makes fun of the contributors here.
your pathetic stabs at getting attention and fellow posters to like you is really sad. I assume you have no friends outside the office
We disagree. I have been banned for pissing you off. When you do it to others, they just don’t get your sense of humor. When I do it to you, you take your toys and go home!
I made one comment that was favorable towards Pinhead DV. Coming from someone who has a damn circle jerk around here you probably shouldn’t talk.
One guy at a multi-thousand-person rally shouting, “Kill him”? Damnation, condemnation, fake consternation, outrage, etc. etc.
One entire rally chanting “Obama or die”? *hears crickets chirping*
Hypocrisy, thy name is “Democratic Party”.
Remember Puffy’s “VOTE OR DIE” ????
He never did kill himself……
I think this whole “Kill him” thing is being made a mountain out of a molehill. McCain and Palin tend to disregard issues in favor of emotion and folksiness. It would be fair to call them the empty suits that Obama was accused of being during the primary.
People get fired up at rallys, especially those that focus on emotion rather than rationality. If the rally talker is talking about a terrorist, it’s not to make the crowd happy, it’s to piss them off and make them fearful. It does not seem unreasonable to me that some idiot would shout “Kill him” at such a time.
Interestingly, the other side is using this happenstance to elicit the same fear and anger that caused this man’s verbal diarrhea. One guy makes this comment, and all of a sudden, we need to be horrified at the people at the rally, and we have to wonder at the type of people McCain/Palin attracts! There’s a reason it’s called “concern trolling“.
Also, I think Mike W. had good points in comment 13 and his response in comment 17.
Joe M:
“I think this whole “Kill him” thing is being made a mountain out of a molehill.”
John Kennedy
Robert Kennedy
Martin Luther King
It is always the right killing the left in this country. Maybe that’s why we take it seriously.
Anonone, you’ve responded to one sentence while ignoring the point of my comment.
I’m not saying that calling for someone’s death isn’t a bad thing. I’m saying that we can’t judge all McCain/Palin supporters on one potential lunatic, and the call for that kind of response is using the same scare tactics that made this man shout “Kill him”.
A parallel would be fearing and hating all Muslims based on the actions of Osama Bin Laden and his followers.
Kill who?
Have we decided who the comment was aimed at?
No pun intended.
Joe M,
I appreciate your point.
I am looking at this statement and others in the context of the statements of the candidates such as Obama is “palling around with terrorists”. They are inciting it. They are accusing him of being an enemy of the America. That is why it is bigger than a molehill.
That makes sense, but I would argue that the blame for this is specifically on the one inciting the hate and that we have to be careful about selling their supporters as maniacs based on the idiocy of one man.
When this election is over and done with, most “rabid supporters” will go back to being just Americans. There’s no reason to make that harder than it has to be.
let me know when an obama crowd yells kill him…
Let me know when a McCain crowd yells it. Again, this was one guy. Period.
Also, I seriously doubt that we will see this happen at an Obama crowd. Is this because Obama supporters are less likely to react emotionally to his speeches? I think there abundant evidence that this is not the case.
It’s because of the speaker. Neither Obama or Biden, while making emotional speeches, leads that emotion to anger, hate, or fear. Because of that, we won’t see anger, hate, or fear in their crowds. It’s not because Obama/Biden supporters are better people! It’s that the candidates are more ethical in their crowd interaction.
I have no doubt that, if Obama wanted to, he could easily incite the same reaction from one of his crowds.
To me, McCain and Palin’s behavior is dangerously irresponsible. They are playing to win and know that what they are saying are lies. Even worse they are courting this reaction, feeding it. Apparently there is no line one of their supporters can’t cross.
Talk like this – even from one person – frightens me. Look at it this way… that one person felt comfortable enough with this crowd to yell these words.
“They are playing to win and know that what they are saying are lies. Even worse they are courting this reaction, feeding it.”
And yet when Obama does it you see nothing wrong. Hypocrite.
“Telling him to STFU isn’t assault.”
Are you really that dense?!
You apparently feel that the crowd “beating the shit out of him” would be perfectly appropriate behavior.
What it’d be is assault.
I agree, Joe M., with your analysis. The real problem with accepting the analysis comes if some nut takes an action out of that anger, hate or fear created by the speaker. Then, we like to say “It’s one individual. He did it. The speaker had nothing to do with the action.”
But the speaker does incite the action, and, if not legally responsible, is morally responsible.
Which is why it is so imprudent, if not outright immoral, to do the inciting.
And, to take it further, if the speaker incites, and the one individual responds “kill him”, and neither the speaker nor the crowd let the individual know he has crossed a line, by their silence they condone the remark. And the individual would have every reason to believe that his remark was acceptable … and maybe his action would be, too. That’s where the supporters of this kind of hate aid and abet.
It’s shamefully disgusting.
“And, to take it further, if the speaker incites, and the one individual responds “kill him”, and neither the speaker nor the crowd let the individual know he has crossed a line, by their silence they condone the remark. And the individual would have every reason to believe that his remark was acceptable … and maybe his action would be, too. That’s where the supporters of this kind of hate aid and abet.”
This is a very good point. The crowd would have that responsibility if mob mentality hadn’t taken hold. The speaker certainly has that responsibility as they are the ones guiding the crowd’s response.
Why don’t some McCain supporters simply don the white pointy hats and get it over with?
Can I play the white cracker card?
You mean you haven’t been?
Well, I just assumed it was implicit. That’s what you all think about non-Democrats….that we just don’t like the shades of the donkey.