McCain’s healthcare plan, take III – Cut Medicare/Medicaid

Filed in National by on October 6, 2008

The New Republic has the story – or rather stories.

The three faces phases of McCain’s healthcare proposal.

Take I: First McCain said he would elimine the entire tax deduction for health insurance, in order to pay for his new tax credit. This would have paid for itself, but it would have done so by raising taxes on a lot of people.

Take II: Then McCain decided he was keeping part of the deduction after all. While he would be raising taxes on a very few people, he’d be lowering them for most. Of course, that would also have meant running much bigger deficits.

Take III: Now McCain is saying, no, no, he’s not going to increase the deficit with his health care plan. Instead, he’s going to pay for it by cutting Medicare and Medicaid–which, at the levels he’s discussing, might seriously weaken the program.

Wonder if McCain is ready to write off the over 60 vote, which, by the way, is the only age demographic he has left. Guess he’s writing off Florida as well.

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. mike w. says:

    “he’s going to pay for it by cutting Medicare and Medicaid–which, at the levels he’s discussing, might seriously weaken the program.”

    It’s about damn time!

  2. anon says:

    The republicans have always hated any help for elderly and poor. They have voted against social security, and medicaid/medicare….and these same people call single payer health care “socialized” a buzz word among the fools.

    Now that the guvmint has socialized corporate america, perhaps its time to take another look at how to save money, insure everyone and guess what its “not socialized medicine”. After WW2 the Europeans were totally broke, that is why they began single payer health care. Today, everyone is covered, the cost savings have permitted them to create new modern technology.

    Delaware will not have a choice this year. Whether they like it or not, “single payer health care will be the only way to get us out of this health crisis, and still save the State $6million the first year.

    McSame and Bush have not only bankrupted the nation, declared two wars that were unnecessary, they will now make us a truly third world nation if they win this election. Imagine all the elderly/disabled and those who are young and sick and uninsured…its more death and destruction.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    There will be a lot to talk about at tomorrow’s debate. Hopefully Obama will talk about McCain’s healthcare plans – cut Medicare and Medicaid, tax your benefits and give you $5000 to pay for it on your own. I’m sure that will go over real well with the electorate.

  4. mike w. says:

    Afghanistan was unnecessary?

  5. cassandra m says:

    It seems suicidal for McCain — a day before a debate on the economy — would have the story be that he would cut Medicare and Medicaid. His strongest demographics include older Americans who I expect won’t be too happy to hear this — and to hear it repeated via ads as nauseum for the next 4 weeks.

  6. Jackie Jackels says:

    I wondered when the light would shine on the Seniors. During this campaign and the debates, I don’t recall anything being said to them for their benefit. I hear business, rich and middle class. A true senior lives on less than most middle class. Some seniors have more than others due to their opportunities. Some struggle on what they receive from SS and retirement. Some don’t have more than SS. To cut their benefits for health care would be deplorable. If Seniors (55+) could organize, become united, and take a stand……………………..any politician would tremble in fear at their power. Grandparents RULE!! Why this country doesn’t hold the Matriarchs and Patriarchs of this nation in High Esteem is beyond me. They put them at the bottom of the list and take from them to satisfy the needs of others. Something is really messed up with that program.

  7. h. says:

    I sometimes think the younger generation take the “what have you done for me lately” attitude about seniors. It is truely a shame. Seniors in other cultures are treated with the utmost respect.