Palin’s Association with Terriorists?

Filed in National by on October 6, 2008

As Palin derides Obama’s “relationship” with terrorists, Keith Olbermann asks Palin to look at her friends.

The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government, and I won’t be buried under their damn flag.

I’m an Alaskan, not an American. I’ve got no use for America or her damned institutions.

. . . make a way for Sarah, even in the political arena. Make a way, my God. Bring finances her way, even if for the campaign in the name of Jesus.

Every form of witchcraft, it will be rebuked in the name of Jesus. Father, make her way now.

BTW, I do think Olbermann was a little over the top in his indignation; however don’t we all go over the top once in a while, don’t ya think? You betcha.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

Comments (62)

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  1. mike w. says:

    Hmm, the problem is that Olbermann doesn’t bother with facts. He’s a partisan idiot.

    Palin was never a member of the AIP.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    But her husband was.

  3. Pinhead says:

    Who is this Olbermann guy? I remember a closeted ‘mo on that old network MSNBC. Is it still in operation?

  4. mike w. says:

    Yeah? Her husband had a DUI once. That no more means she supports drunk drivers than this means she supports Alaska’s violent secession from the Union.

    BTW, have you actually bothered to read anything about the AIP?

    I support parts of Ron Paul’s political ideology, but there are parts I disagree with. I support some of the things the NRA stands for, but not others. I’ve read the AIP website and I see quite a bit there that is not only worthy of support, but is viewed favorably by native alaskans. I know, some of it is unthinkable stuff for a liberal.

  5. nemski says:

    So, Mike W, you think secession is okay?

  6. nemski says:

    Also, Mike W, it is obvious you can’t even watch TV. Oblermann never said Palin was a member of the AIP.

  7. Pinhead says:

    “So, Mike W, you think secession is okay?”

    Yes, secession is okay. Actually, I’d like to jettison NY and CA. Where do I send the paperwork? Quick….hurry…CA just started asking for money.

  8. nemski says:

    So Pinhead, you don’t like Jews?

  9. mike w. says:

    Nemski – Where the hell did you get that from?

  10. Pinhead says:

    No. I don’t like NY or CA. Full of corrupt Democrats and inept Republicans!

  11. nemski says:

    mike w, from the Republican playbook.

  12. pandora says:

    Wow! You write off two whole states and then claim outrage over stereotyping a crowd at a McCain/Palin rally? Typical.

  13. mike w. says:

    Well I wouldn’t know Nemski. Unlike you I don’t keep a copy of it handy to look up talking points.

  14. nemski says:

    BTW, Mike W, so do you think secession is a valid alternative?

  15. Pinhead says:

    “You write off two whole states and then claim outrage over stereotyping a crowd at a McCain/Palin rally? Typical.”

    Who started the outrage?

  16. Donsquishy says:

    my name is redproud and I’m a troll…how gay are you? I mean really? at least Mike W, keeps his name when he comments.

    total chicken shit you are.

  17. mike w. says:

    Valid? Not really, not unless this country has become completely despotic.

    That said I admire states that step up, tell the Feds to fuck off, and actually respect the Constitution.

  18. nemski says:

    dv talking yoda smack again 🙂 love it!

  19. Pinhead says:

    This from the guy with seventeen different self-inflating names!

  20. mike w. says:

    Seriously DV, you’re going after someone for changing their name?

    What a goddamn hypocrite.

  21. Pinhead says:

    Hypocrite, Sr.

  22. nemski says:

    Okay, mike w, I have to ask.

    Who was right in the Civil War, the South or the North?

  23. Pinhead says:

    Who wrote the history books?

  24. mike w. says:

    Pinhead – The winners, as is always the case with history.

  25. Pinhead says:

    So who won?

  26. Donsquishy says:

    oh, so you know I’m talking to you?

    I change my name but people still know who I am and people are fully aware it is me.

    you on the other hand are trying to mask yourself.

    sad. very sad.

  27. Donsquishy says:

    seriously dipshit,

    once again you don’t know what you are fucking talking about. so butt out. You have a real tendency to stick your fucking nose where it doesn’t belong.

    so, for the sake of being a real man, STAY OUT of my conversation between Redproud asshole.

  28. Pinhead says:

    Considering the seven knobs who run this place all know when I’m posting, I’m not doing much masking…..

    I only have to change IPs (folks really ought to secure their wireless!) when you go sacless and ban my current connection. I think I’ll find a liberal cafe and start pissing you off! Then you’ll be silencing your own.

  29. Pinhead says:

    Now you’re just deleting folks at random and sounding like an angry man yelling at the kids on his lawn!

    Can we call you McSame?

  30. mike w. says:

    Dial down the anger DV.

    If the type of dialogue and commenting you post here is indicative of being a “real man” in your eyes then I most certainly hope you never see me as such.

  31. mike w. says:

    Back on topic.

    Obama supports who openly seek to spread misinformation and subvert the Constitution. Couldn’t that be construed as a form of terrorism?

  32. mike w. says:

    Pinhead – DV (and others here) will never see any of the hypocrisy in what they write.

  33. liberalgeek says:

    Perhaps RedProud/Pinhead/whoever and Mike W didn’t get their meds today. Their high rate of commenting (apparently just to hear the keyboard click) could be a sign of mania. I’m sure I have a DSM4 around here somewhere…

  34. Pinhead says:

    Actually I do it to feed on your hate and frustration. I’m like one of those Star Trek aliens.

  35. mike w. says:

    I’d be frustrated and manic if I owned a DSM……… of course that’s not what you’re talking about….

  36. liberalgeek says:

    You have not seen hate from me. I am a little annoyed, but not overly so.

  37. Pinhead says:

    It’s a twelve step program.

  38. liberalgeek says:

    Gee… Lemme guess. It’s a gun. Such a wide range of experiences that you have to draw (get it? draw!) from.

  39. mike w. says:

    Pinhead – LG is by far one of the more level DL contributors. He can actually carry on a discussion.

  40. mike w. says:

    no, a DSM is a car.

  41. liberalgeek says:

    Hey – don’t go maligning me like that, Mike.

  42. mike w. says:

    haha Ok. You’re an ignorant asshole. Better?

  43. Pinhead says:

    “haha Ok. You’re an ignorant asshole. Better?”

    Well, that’s not going to win you any friends, now is it?

  44. mike w. says:

    Who knows? Up is down, left is right and facts are lies around here.

  45. Von Cracker says:

    praise from mike is meaningless.

    move on.

  46. Von Cracker says:

    can’t take a bit of your own medicine…and KO’s points are much more pointed and relevant than Palin’s.

  47. anon says:


    Not meaning any disrespect here, nor to go off-topic, but I’m a pretty frequent visitor and have a hard time keeping up with all your name changes. They’re confusing and don’t make a whole lot of sense.

    I have utterly NO idea who any of the “real names” are behind this site. It might be nice if you guys would come out from behind the curtain and do intro posts. Don’t have to give your names or anything, but a paragraph rundown of who you are, what your background in politics is, where you live, etc., would be helpful.

  48. Unstable Isotope says:

    Wow, this thread totally devolved.

    Anyway, McCain’s guilt-by-association game is coming back to bite him in the *ss. Not only are his Keating Five associations getting a new airing, his associations with right wing hate groups, his association with a murderer from the civil rights era (a newly discovered one, in Alabama) and his personal funding of Contra rebels is now getting reported on.

    I fully expect we’ll see more of Gov. Palin’s connections as well.

    I just have to say that Palin and McCain are officially disgusting human beings. They are now inciting people at their rallies. Both have stood by and said nothing while audience members called Obama “a terrorist” and one shouted “kill him!” (unsure if referring to Obama or Ayers in that case). Also, during the Palin rally, audience members threatened the media and one went so far as to tell an African American sound man to “sit down, boy.” Disgusting human beings.

  49. mike w. says:

    Sadly UI I find Obama and Biden just as disgusting and contemptible.

  50. pandora says:

    Of course you do, Mike. Perhaps you could give a comparison example of this sort of behavior.

  51. mike w. says:

    “praise from mike is meaningless.

    move on.”

    Meaningless is certainly an apt term for your above comment Von.

    I don’t think you really want me to Pandora. Besides, the “useful idiots” of the left will ignore it. We all know you can’t handle criticism of “The One” and his buddy Biden.

  52. Linoge says:

    Inciting people at rallies? Check. Obama incited his minions to “get out and get in the face” of people and lie to them. He lies enough for himself, I am not entirely sure why he would need help, but there you go.

    Proclamaitions of “kill him”? Check. Multiple Obamatrons have jumped on the “Obama or die” campaign bandwagon… seems pretty straightforward to me.

    Using Kos as a souce? Well… not really. Only the halfwit morons here would actually be so stupid as to do something that idiotic.

  53. Pinhead says:

    “I just have to say that Palin and McCain are officially disgusting human beings. They are now inciting people at their rallies. Both have stood by and said nothing while audience members called Obama “a terrorist” and one shouted “kill him!” (unsure if referring to Obama or Ayers in that case). Also, during the Palin rally, audience members threatened the media and one went so far as to tell an African American sound man to “sit down, boy.” Disgusting human beings.”

    HAHAHA…..I love liberal bedtime fairy tales!!!

  54. nemski says:

    UI, it’s also fair to call Hillary Clinton a “bitch” at McCain rallies. Couldn’t that be labeled as misogynistic? Oh wait that was before Republicans discovered that sexism is bad.

  55. Pinhead says:

    Actually, Hillary IS a complete nonsexual, nongender bitch. It it helps, so is David Plouffe!

  56. anonone says:

    IMHO, y’all should post this on the front page:

  57. Miscreant says:

    I’d be more concerned with Obama’s Kenyan fund raising/Muslim connection. It would appear that his efforts to suppress free speech isn’t limited to the states:

  58. mike w. says:

    I find it funny how no liberal on this site has condemned Obama’s blatant attacks on free speech. I guess it’s perfectly acceptable behavior so long as it’s to help “The One” win.

  59. Unstable Isotope says:

    Yes, nemski. McCain is also a misogynist. He not only did not respond when a questioner said “bitch” but he laughed and explained that the questioner meant Hillary Clinton, in case people didn’t understand.

  60. Unstable Isotope says:


    The source is actually a journalist who was at the rally. The original source is in the kos link.

  61. anonone says:

    “World Net Daily”? Your kidding, right? That fraud Corsi was probably over there for a sex tour like his buddy Rush.

  62. mike w. says:

    Oh, and this entire post is a “LOOK! IT’S NOT JUST OBAMA. SHE DOES IT TOO.” Exactly the thing you folks get pissed at me for.