A couple of interesting things here.
First of all, the Washington Post posits that it is kinda a given that Obama/Biden will win. Great. Second of all, could Chris Czillia (sp?) could not know less about Delaware politics? A Ruth Ann victory lap? Sky Dad save us.
I’m grabbing a big section so no blockquote:
“In Delaware, the machinations are complicated by the recent call-up and deployment to Iraq of Attorney General Beau Biden, the senator’s son. The younger Biden, who was deployed Sunday for a year-long tour, was widely seen as the heir apparent to his father’s seat whenever the elder statesman decided to vacate it.
With Beau Biden in Iraq for the next year, Minner could come under pressure to appoint a caretaker to the spot so the junior Biden could run in the special election in 2010. If so, Minner herself might not be a bad pick — perhaps seeing a two-year Senate stint as a capstone to a career that has included stints in both houses of the Delaware legislature as well as eight years a lieutenant governor and then governor of the First State. It’s not clear, however, whether Minner, who would be 74 when sworn in to the Senate, is interested in coming to Washington.
If Minner doesn’t appoint herself, the leading name would probably be that of Lt. Gov Jack Carney, who was beaten in the Democratic gubernatorial primary this year by state Treasurer Jack Markell. Minner and Carney have been close political allies for a number of years, and the governor endorsed his unsuccessful primary candidacy.
For Republicans, who have grown increasingly less competitive in the state over the last decade, Rep. Mike Castle may be their last best hope to win a Senate seat. Castle served as governor of Delaware from 1984 to 1992 and has been in the House since. He would be — by far — Republicans’ strongest candidate in a 2010 open seat race.”