Mike Castle Mobbed Up w/ Financial Services Industry

Filed in National by on October 7, 2008

Karen Hartley-Nagle calls Out Castle on his Financial Services Industry Ties in a press release that excoriates a Mike Castle clearly beholden to his fat cat campaign conributors.

Hartley-Nagle points out:

  • Mike Castle has more than 60% of his contributions from the financial services industry
  • He is the Republican Congressman who took the most contributions from Lehman Brothers.
  • (Castle) failed to be a regulator of the banks and Wall Street firms.

Castle’s failure will cause  Delaware to lose jobs and states, “While financial services executives take the money and run, we will be left holding the bag.”

Click “more” for the full statement.

As Lehman Brothers Values Took a Nosedive, Executives Called for Their Golden Parachutes

(Wilmington, DE) As the value of Lehman Brothers banking firm took a nosedive and, in the process became the largest bankruptcy in American history, company executives reached for their golden parachutes, the national press reported today. Testifying before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Richard B. Fuld, Jr., Lehman Brothers chief executive officer acknowledged that as the bank was failing, the compensation committee quietly assured company executives that they would they would receive their bonuses.

“This is only one instance of the many regarding financial services executives ensuring that their personal fortunes will remain afloat as the economy sinks, “ said Karen Hartley-Nagle, Democratic candidate for Congress. “This was a decision supported by Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson and Fed Chairman Ben Bernecke,” she continued. “There is more to come. Neel Kashkari, a former executive of Goldman Sachs and the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, is heading the bailout. He was a colleague of Secretary Paulson at Goldman Sachs. Another factor in this tragedy that all voters need to consider is: Did my Congressman play a part in this? In Delaware, we know the answer; Mike Castle has more than 60% of his contributions from the financial services industry when you add the individuals from financial services companies to the 44% of the PAC money he has received from them. He is the Republican Congressman who took the most contributions from Lehman Brothers. Because he failed to be a regulator of the banks and Wall Street firms, Delawareans will lose jobs as the banking industry contracts. Bank of America is only a regional headquarters and we will have to wait and see what the sale of Wachovia Bank will bring. While financial services executives take the money and run, we will be left holding the bag.”

Democratic candidate for Congress Karen Hartley-Nagle is inviting Delawareans to discuss the Wall Street bailout and how they are doing in the economy during two events to be held at her campaign offices on Wednesday, October 8. From 1-5:30 voters and non-voters are invited to speak with Karen about the bailout and how they are faring during the current economic crisis. Participants will also have the opportunity to tape a one to three minute message about the crisis. From 6-8 p.m. there will be a Town Hall meeting to discuss the bailout.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (9)

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  1. Arthur Downs says:

    So what? Do the Democrats offer anything any better?

    “Friends of Obama” seem to be the real favorites of the fat cats. James Johnson and Franklin Raines and Jamie Gorelick had their cush jobs at Fannie Mae and collected nearly $130 million while cooking the books.

    Barney Frank could stamp his feet in anger whenever some oversight over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was suggested. Christopher Dodd was not any better.

    Who got the sweetheart mortgages from arch-swindler Angelo Mozilo?

    Mike Castle will continue to glide back in office as long as he can run slightly to the right of his General Election opponent.

    A GOP Congressional primary would be an interesting experience for the State.

  2. Geezer says:

    “Because he failed to be a regulator of the banks and Wall Street firms, Delawareans will lose jobs as the banking industry contracts.”

    Jobs they had in the first place because of deregulation championed by the GOP. It’s better for Delaware to have those jobs for 10 years than never to have them at all.

    “Bank of America is only a regional headquarters”

    The bank is chartered in Delaware.

    Beyond that, let’s get KHN to explain this one: If, as she seems to suggest, we’re going to lose thousands of banking jobs, what in her background will steer us to prosperity? As best I can tell, the woman doesn’t even hold a steady job beyond working for a temp agency. Yeah, that’s the ticket — we can all become temps.

    Sorry, but I’m really not interested in providing on-the-job training in Washington for someone who can’t even find a real job here in Delaware.

  3. Geezer says:

    “A GOP Congressional primary would be an interesting experience for the State.”

    Yes, it would allow out-of-the-mainstream nut jobs like you, Arthur, to learn exactly how few people share your political views. For more evidence, see Protack, Mike.

  4. jason330 says:

    Dang Geezer. How do you really feel?

  5. pandora says:

    Geezer may have a point. Better the devil you know? 🙂

  6. jason330 says:

    At some point Mike Castle has to be held accountable for his performance during the Bush years.

    Maybe God himself will be the one to levy the fine.

  7. Duffy says:

    Wake me when you discover Joe’s ties to the finance industry.

  8. Nancy Willing says:

    I don’t know who Geezer is but he/she ought to stop talking out their ass. KHN did not hold a temp job. She worked for a temp agency as a professional and had a regional beat from their Cherry Hill, NJ office. She traveled to thousands of area fusinesses as an account rep for the agency in her year with the company.
    She had a regular desk in her regular job and made a regular salary.

  9. Nancy Willing says:

    pandora, what a deplorable attitude.