Obama Won The Debate

Filed in National by on October 7, 2008

If Pat Buchanan thinks Obama was more “presidential” and Larry Kudlow thinks Obama won…Obama won.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (68)

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  1. nemski says:

    Don’t you mean “That One” won the debate?

  2. pandora says:

    Obama won because McCain needed a game changer. He had to wipe the floor with Obama. He did not. Funny, since a town hall was supposed to be McCain’s format. McCain seemed stiff tonight.

  3. nemski says:

    My Friends = 19 . . . yeah that’s way over 4.5.

  4. R Smitty says:

    There was a debate?

  5. Donsquishy says:

    yes. and apparently jello doesn’t stick to walls. who knew

  6. pandora says:

    Oh my. Tweety just said that McCain has a menacing smile.

  7. R Smitty says:

    Dude…jell-o, or l’il Squishy’s diaper?

  8. pandora says:

    They keep on coming. Keith brings up the “that one” comment right out of the gate.

  9. Donsquishy says:

    they are bashing the town hall style on Cnn saying it was horrible…

    gee and McCain wanted 12 of them…

  10. pandora says:

    Andrew Sullivan weighs in:

    “This was, I think, a mauling: a devastating and possibly electorally fatal debate for McCain. Even on Russia, he sounded a little out of it. I’ve watched a lot of debates and participated in many. I love debate and was trained as a boy in the British system to be a debater. I debated dozens of times at Oxofrd. All I can say is that, simply on terms of substance, clarity, empathy, style and authority, this has not just been an Obama victory. It has been a wipe-out.It has been about as big a wipe-out as I can remember in a presidential debate. It reminds me of the 1992 Clinton-Perot-Bush debate. I don’t really see how the McCain campaign survives this.”

  11. Unstable Isotope says:

    Snap polls so far:
    CBS 39-27 Obama
    CNN 54-30 Obama

    McCain’s “that one” remark much talked about, and how McCain left really early and Obama worked the crowd. Keith said McCain didn’t look well.

  12. nemski says:

    Jason, I added the ‘that one’ clip to ur post. Hope you don’t mind, don’t ya know?

  13. Truth Teller says:

    I was a bit disappointed tonight I was waiting for the story about the Bear.
    Also McSame’s new idea about home mortgages is in the bill he just voted for it appears that if he didn’t read the first one that was 3 pages long he surely didn’t read this one

  14. R Smitty says:

    Kinda makes my post tonight all the more poignant.

  15. pandora says:

    I’ve been checking in on your post and the comments. So far so good. 😉

  16. Unstable Isotope says:

    I don’t expect a change in the polls from this debate. In the morning reaction, “that one” is getting a lot of play. Another snap poll, GQR 42-20 Obama. Apparently, “that one” is #2 google search and “McCain that one” is #4.

  17. Dorian Gray says:

    McCain scribbled too many notes and paced like an angry old man that needed Thorazine. One was relaxed and presidential the other was cantankerous and edgy. Other than a couple bad jokes, saying “my friends” excessively, and “that one!” comment, McCain didn’t tank. And Obama got crossed up a few times, but Obama won handily, I think.

  18. Unstable Isotope says:

    A couple of times I wondered if McCain was going to sit in the voter’s lap. I wonder how they felt to have McCain come up so close to them?

  19. Unstable Isotope says:

    I was wrong about GQR. They thought Obama was the winner 38-30, but 42% now said they’re going to vote Obama and 26% said they’ll now vote McCain. That’s kind of interesting 4% more than said he “won” plan to vote for Obama while 4% less who thought McCain won plan on voting for him.


  20. Unstable Isotope says:

    A bit confusing: did Greenberg have two focus groups?


  21. Unstable Isotope says:


    NBC undecideds (PA): 60 O 40 M
    Luntz: Obama (no numbers)
    CBS: 39M 27O 35tie
    GQR: 42O 24M
    SUSA (WA): 54O 29M (same group had 1st debate as a tie)
    CNN (OH): 54O 30M

    Lots of extra goodies in CNN poll:
    Who expressed his views more clearly in the debate?

    Obama 60
    McCain 30

    Who spent more time attacking his opponent?

    Obama 17
    McCain 63

    Who seemed to be the stronger leader?

    Obama 54
    McCain 43

    Who was most likeable?

    Obama 65
    McCain 28

    Stronger leader was one where McCain has led in the past.

  22. Donsquishy says:

    you didn’t finish your homework little fella…sorry, go back and get me those definitions

  23. Truth Teller says:

    I liked the way Obama took on AIG and their junket but the real question now is WILL ANYONE IN THE GOVERNMENT DO ANYTHING ABOUT??

  24. Donsquishy says:


    now what do I win?

  25. RSmitty says:

    I’ve been checking in on your post and the comments. So far so good.

    It’s gonna kill me to not be able to look at them today (due to being at work).

  26. pandora says:

    Send me your email and I’ll cut and paste them to you!

  27. RSmitty says:

    Yes, addict indeed!

    I still haven’t recovered from you leaving me, you bastard!


    Pandora – I just sent you an email. I used the one you replied to me with, back when I sent that Jason-quitting joke.

  28. Chris says:

    Last night I cast my one and ONLY vote for Obama….in the poll on Drudge as to who won the debate.

    Obama was not great….but McCain…..screwed the pooch. Buying up everyones’s mortgage? I guess it will cost less than Obama’s proposed spending but still BAD idea.

    I will still vote for McCain because I always vote and cannot vote for the one I KNOW will destroy our country. I will settle for the one that is a little misguided at the moment.

  29. jason330 says:

    I will still vote for McCain because I always vote and cannot vote for the one I KNOW will destroy our country.

    This is comedy gold in light of how your vote for Bush turned out.

  30. Chris says:

    “This is comedy gold in light of how your vote for Bush turned out.”

    After four years of Obama even you Jason will be wishing for the golden Bush years.

    My only solace is that in the likely event Obama wins….his Presidency will be the best thing for the GOP party.

    Might even turn Delaware red by 2012…..

    ….nevermind…even Obama can’t be THAT bad.

  31. jason330 says:

    After 8 years of Obama Bush’s fuck-ups will be mostly cleaned up.

    Keep hope alive though Chris. Republican economic theory might have a renassaince in about 150 years or so.

  32. Chris says:

    “Republican economic theory might have a renassaince in about 150 years or so.”

    Sorry…I guess I missed the memo about it being Marxisms turn again…

  33. cassandra m says:

    Well, you keep looking for that memo and stay out of the way of folks trying to fix the mess Bush got us into…..

  34. Dorian Gray says:

    Wow, the word “know” in all caps. The certitude of a religious zealot. Awesome. Can you tell me if the Phillies will make it to the World Series?

  35. Chris says:

    “trying to fix the mess Bush got us into…..”

    Oh right…all Bush’s fault….do the names Chris Dodd, Barnie Frank, and Maxine Waters mean anything to you?

  36. Chris says:

    “Can you tell me if the Phillies will make it to the World Series?”

    To the World Series? Can’t say for sure. Win the World Series I can safely say no….they are from Philadelphia you know.

  37. anonone says:


    Serious question:
    How could Obama possibly “destroy our country” in a way that Bush and the repubs haven’t already?

  38. feces throwing monkey says:

    I simply grab a gooey bunch of feces and fling it at people who think Barney Frank had more influence over events for the past 8 years than George Bush.

    These people are not worth talking to.

  39. G Rex says:

    Sorry, missed the debate – I got the new Lego Batman for PS2 the other day. Besides, I’m looking to the Dow Jones to see who won: if it tanks again, Obama’s Great Society II is coming, and if it bounces back, McCain’s “first, do no harm” doesn’t scare them as much.

  40. Chris says:

    “The certitude of a religious zealot. ”

    Not really. When you don’t sip the Obama-Aid it isn’t hard to see.

  41. anonone says:

    “do the names Chris Dodd, Barnie Frank, and Maxine Waters”

    Does “minority party” for 16/18 years mean anything to you?

    Do the names Tom Delay, Bill Frist, Trent Lott, Phil Gramm, etc. mean anything to you?

    Talk about drinking the Koolaid, you’re swimming in it.

  42. anonone says:

    Yo, Feces Throwing Monkey,

    Where’s your evil twin these days?

  43. Chris says:

    “How could Obama possibly “destroy our country” in a way that Bush and the repubs haven’t already?”

    Well lets see.. Raising taxes during a financial meltdown comes to mind….I know…Obama isn’t going to raise taxes on the the middle class, you have taken him at his word….but non-Obama-aid drinkers don’t buy it. There are too many areas he wants to buy power with. That needs our hard earned money to do it.

  44. anon says:

    Raising taxes during a financial meltdown comes to mind

    My God, I know. Just the other day I was telling my wife our family was having a financial crisis and I suggested we should get second jobs and start paying down our credit card bills. She said “Are you crazy? We’re having a financial meltdown!!”

    Did I mention she is a Republican?

  45. anonone says:

    O.K., Chris,

    Besides lying about Obama’s credibility, what else you got?

    Your candidate wants to tax health care benefits. Your candidate wants the federal government to refinance everybody’s home mortgage, essentially giving people free home equity. That would cost $trillions, far more than ANYTHING that Obama has proposed. How is he gonna pay for that? Plus the war he loves?

    Finally, NO repubs voted for Clinton’s economic plan in ’93. None. Zip. Nada. All it gave us was 8 years of prosperity. Repubs like you are ALWAYS wrong on economics. Always.

    The Bush tax cuts in 2001 have helped get us into the mess we’re in. We need Obama and a filibuster proof senate majority to get us out.

    Are mythical tax increases really all you got? You’re a sorry dude.

  46. Andrea Jones says:

    Obama clearly won the debate, overwhelmingly. Obama has consistently demonstrated clarity, intelligence, ideas, steadfastness, a command of the issues and of ways to resolve them, which will work effectively.

    Why is it that McCain never responded to any of Obama’s shots at him? Because they are true, based on fact. On the other hand, Obama had to frequently counter McCain’s falsehoods. Although he was forced to waste time, doing so, he still had plenty of time left to make a cogent case.

    I appreciate the CNN coverage, but I’m disappointed when I hear that they find Obama is not an inspiration. I think that the president needs to present a clear plan, demonstrate a reliable, calm and responsible approach and work for Americans. He is not an entertainer. I was inspired because I appreciate his outlook and attitude. I appreciate his preparedness.

    He does not insult the American public by suggesting that a person who graduated bottom of his class from military college would be adequate to lead such a great country. He does not insult us by choosing a running mate in a snap decision –a woefully ignorant person.

    Obama does inspire. If elected, he will be the greatest president the U.S. has ever had.

  47. Chris says:

    “Just the other day I was telling my wife our family was having a financial crisis and I suggested we should get second jobs and start paying down our credit card bills. She said “Are you crazy? We’re having a financial meltdown!!””

    I take it this was a feeble attempt at an analogy. So you see raising taxes as the government getting a “second job”. That alone is a scary way of thinking.

    But using your own analogy, I saw nowhere where you said “We need to cut out spending and use those savings to pay down the credit cards”. Thats the “fundamental difference”.

    The idea of a smaller government and less spending is of course….a foreign concept to you.

    Perhaps you should listen to your wife.

  48. Chris says:

    “NO repubs voted for Clinton’s economic plan in ‘93. None. Zip. Nada. All it gave us was 8 years of prosperity. ”

    Hey anonone…maybe you missed it..but during the Clinton years this new technology called the Intenet exploded on the scene….it was that….and not Clinton’s economic plan, that drove the economy. Even Carter would have looked good in the 90’s.

  49. anonone says:

    “The idea of a smaller government and less spending is of course….a foreign concept to you.”

    Perhaps, you should look at reality – the party of BIG GOVERNMENT is your party – gov’t shrunk under Clinton.

    The repub solution ALWAYS is to run up the credit cards. ALWAYS.

    You are utterly clueless and out of touch with history and reality.

  50. Gelatinous Monk says:


    Methinks you’re reaching there!

  51. pandora says:

    “The idea of a smaller government and less spending is of course….a foreign concept to you.”

    Chris, I can’t believe you wrote this with a straight face. Republicans = big government and big spending. You guys need a new talking point. This one has been debunked… again and again.

  52. Von Cracker says:

    We’ll leave the Greatness of an Obama presidency for a later time. But it was pretty clear that Obama handed McCain his hat, showed him the door and sent him on his way.

    The AIG remark got him off to a great start and the rest just flowed from there. He played it too cool for school, while McCain was all over the place – angry and reeking with contempt.

    The bitch-clap of the evening happened when Obama set McCain up by saying that McCain’s perceived to be serious (McCain: “Thank You”), then SMACK…”but he wants to annihilate North Korea and sings songs about “Bomb, Bomb Iran”.

    It was a complete death-blow to McCain and his faux perception of being a serious leader. The only one who looked serious, aka presidential, was Obama…..especially in these times.

  53. anonone says:

    I didn’t miss anything, Chris. What percentage of the GDP was contributed by internet companies during Clinton? Very little, actually. But expecting you to understand something like that is a bit much.

    And you can’t answer my question from #39. You are a fraud.

  54. anon says:

    Perhaps you should listen to your wife.

    I made up that story, dope. Nobody could be that stupid, except for Bush and his gang.

  55. cassandra m says:

    When Bush came into office the debt was 5 trillion. As of th first of this October it is 10 trillion. The repub charge card is now maxed out. Maxed Out. Even the Chinese who have been funding us for the past years are balking at more lending. We have the largest expansion of government in my memory.

    Any repub who thinks that they are standing up for fiscal responsibility and smaller government now is a Clown. Where were you when Bush was partying hard with our money?

  56. Gelatinous Monk says:

    “I made up that story, dope.”

    Par for the course around here!

  57. Joanne Christian says:

    Well all these people who won’t have to pay taxes, will make for a wonderful national healthcare system…and of course a first rate public school system…and exquisite responsible care for the elderly, innovative alternative energy initiatives, responsible mass transit and roadway systems, safe, well managed, and humane prisons…and the World Little League pennant. You want fries w/ dat? Your candidate is still dreaming, and writing sonnets. He needs to move on from creative writing class, and draft an executive summary.

  58. Gelatinous Monk says:

    This just in from Iran…..

    Obama 81%
    Barr 10%
    McKinney 9%

    Just sayin’

  59. Von Cracker says:

    What does that mean, Monk?

    We should vote based on foreign preference? In your case, the opposite.

  60. Gelatinous Monk says:

    What do YOU think it means, VC?

  61. Von Cracker says:

    I asked first.

  62. Gelatinous Monk says:

    I stand by the statement (made up of course, like everything else around here in Imaginationland) without further clarification.

  63. Von Cracker says:

    Like Imagination Land from South Park?

    Yeah – the little, furry stuffed animal terrorists will kill us all!

    Just like those non-whites who live on the sand 5 thousand miles away…


  64. Donsquishy says:

    the video is just a picture…song is funny

  65. Bob S. says:

    The idea of a smaller government and less spending is of course….a foreign concept to you.

    Chris – I really don’t see McCain as the guy to bring about small government and fiscal conservatism.

    That said, with Obama and a Dem Congress in power I know exactly where we’ll be headed as far as government spending and expansion are concerned.

    And yes, Obama won this debate. He told some boldfaced lies, but he still won hands down. McCain should have stuck with a traditional debate format rather than this townhall thing he’s been asking to do the whole campaign. He looked really bad, stumbling and unsure of himself in this townhall format.