Pre-pre-pre-Debate Predictions Thread

Filed in National by on October 7, 2008

I predict John McCain will be an American hero and Obama will be a mohomedian terrorists who will ride an elephant that sprays aids juice from his trunk down Pennsylvania Avenue to take away my guns on inauguration day.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. pandora says:

    Hey! Did you just get back from a McCain/Palin rally?

    Seriously, I think tonight will be pretty dull, unless anyone believes McCain will go negative during a town hall. Hmmm… will this audience be instructed to remain silent as well?

  2. jason330 says:

    McCain will push to hard on some lame thing that he thinks is a homerun zinger. Obama will be cooler than the the other side of the pillow.

  3. Donsquishy says:

    i really dont’ know what will happen. McCain is a defeated man, what does he have left at this point?

  4. pandora says:

    But, if McCain pushes his talking point and doesn’t answer a VOTER’S questions…

    Palin’s little side-stepping trick didn’t go over so well. How could McCain handle this better?

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    I think McCain will play nice tonight. It will be hard to attack when you’re answering voters. I think Obama will go after McCain’s healthcare plan and Medicare.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    I think he will go all in — hyping up the scary negro tactic that he and his pal have been hyping all week. He doesn’t have much left to lose, really.

  7. Unstable Isotope says:

    McCain has to be careful not to appear angry. Will he be able to control his facial expressions and sarcasm is a voter asks him a difficult question? My big question – will he look at Obama tonight?

  8. anon says:

    will he look at Obama tonight

    He will start out by looking at Obama, maybe even call him Barack. But as the debate wears on, he will have to force himself to look at Obama, and the look will turn into a fixed deaths head grimace. Toward the end of the debate he will revert to looking away, just like he did in the first debate.

  9. Donsquishy says:

    wait a goddamned minute? obama is a negro?

  10. pandora says:

    Talk about extreme predictions! Guess a balanced McCain is out of the question!

  11. Donsquishy says:

    I thought he was a muslim

  12. Von Cracker says:

    McCain will play the sympathy vote by doing his best “Fred Sanford Elizabeth I’m Coming!” bit.

    But this will backfire, since the possibility of McCain’s demise will cause an unwanted spotlight on his piece on the side running mate.

  13. anonone says:

    My BIG question:

    Will Sarah be doing post debate cheerleading?

  14. feces throwing monkey says:

    I predict John McCain will announce how he is going to balance the budget by charging rape victims for their rape examination kits. I also predict that my TV will covered with monkey feces.

  15. nemski says:

    When pressed with a follow up question, McCain will become upset.

  16. nemski says:

    Over under on “My friends” is at 4.5

  17. pandora says:

    Out of curiosity, has anyone looked at the stock market recently. Down 435 (9522) and falling…

  18. Von Cracker says:

    time to buy, P.

  19. jason330 says:

    My friends,

    I’ll take the over. That’s a bet you can believe in.

  20. Truth Teller says:

    Well it would make for a lively debate if the audience asked McSame two questions.

    First When you were a POW why did you co-operate with our enemy please explaine.

    And Second Have you called any other woman a C@#T beside your wife in public?

    The second question was asked at a town meeting by a Baptis Minister but John refused to answer

  21. Unstable Isotope says:

    Over! Good questions, anonone. Will Sarah Palin be on to talk about the debate. My guess is no. I also doubt Biden will be on because of the funeral of his mother-in-law.

  22. Chris says:

    I hope tonight’s debate is an even bigger disaster for the McCain campaign than the VP one was.

    Since the result was a tighter poll….

  23. jason330 says:

    Yeah Chris,

    McCain is on the move baby! Keep hope alive bro.

  24. Von Cracker says:

    Yeah, uum ok…to go with these other polls:

    10/7: Gallup Pres-Tracker: Obama 51%, McCain 42%

    10/7: Rasmussen Pres-Tracker: Obama 52%, McCain 44%

    10/7: Res. 2000 Pres-Tracker: Obama 52%, McCain 41%

    I see the only thing tightening up are the GOP’s ass cheeks.

  25. Not Brian says:

    I want Obama to push the Keating 5/Lincoln S+L early…. I want him to mention the fact they said he is buddy-buddy with terrorists… I want him to get him angry…. I don’t care who wins the debate, but I really want to see McCain have a meltdown.

    It would be classic TV.

    It will entertain me.

  26. Donsquishy says:


    that would be funny

  27. Truth Teller says:

    One thing that has been bothering me about the news media and the Obama folks on this William Ayers brew ha ha is. The federal government dropped all charges against Mr Ayers and his wife and no one brings up the reason why. Could it be lack of evidence of criminal actions on their part? or that Ayers was a spy for the FBI? However, no matter which he wasn’t taken to trial and convicted of anything. That’s more than we can say about Keating