Won’t Shake Hands with ‘That One’

Filed in National by on October 7, 2008

Editor’s Note: Take a second to freep this News Journal online poll. You have to scroll down a bit to find it. “Obama won” is at 40% as I write this.

Also, MIKE CASTLE worked to elect George Bush and currently thinks John McCain should be the President of the United States. Just sayin’.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. “That one” :: mighty forces | October 7, 2008
  1. pandora says:

    Badly done and petty. Sorta like the McCain campaign.

  2. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Is that the behavior of an Officer and Gentleman……I think not.

  3. Dorian Gray says:

    This is lame, nemski. I don’t like McCain but Jesus, we all saw him shake Obama’s hand as the debate concluded. Fuck, they put their arm round each other and stood in front of Brokaw’s teleprompter at the end. He had to ask them to move so he could read the closing remarks.

    This is dumb and I think you should take it down.

  4. jason330 says:

    Things McCain will be calling Barack Obama in the future:


    “Mr. President”

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    That was an awkward encounter but I don’t think it was an intentional diss. It looked like Obama held out his hand, then Cindy did, then McCain did but Obama was already shaking hands with Cindy?

    I don’t think this would have had any traction (McCain would’ve gotten the benefit of the doubt) if McCain hadn’t ignored Obama in the 1st debate and called Obama “that one” in the 2nd debate. It just feeds into the narrative that McCain hates Obama.

  6. Truth Teller says:

    UI !!!!
    you noticed that also
    I believe that this may be making a mountian out of a mole hill there are more important thing to worry about. This is just petty bullshit

  7. anonone says:

    I agree. We all miss a handshake now and again. This is trivial.

  8. pandora says:

    If McCain shook his hand immediately after the debate – which I must have missed – then this isn’t a big deal. It was a bad visual, though. What? Only one handshake allowed? 🙂

    But missing photo ops seems is becoming a McCain theme. Why did he leave so soon after the debate and give Obama sole access to the crowd and TV coverage? I’d be interested in polling the town hall participants and see who they are now voting for. It’s all just sloppy form.

  9. Peggy says:

    It isn’t surprising to me that McCain did not shake his hand. I think it was pretty cowardly of him to guide him to his wife’s hand instead. What is he going to do with world leaders that he doesn’t like?

  10. Gelatinous Monk says:

    Send Luca Brasi

  11. anon says:

    McCain isn’t going to talk to world leaders dontcha know…not even Spain. This man is an embarassment to the republican party. Where is the FBI when the “nazis act alikes” yell terrorist and “kill him” at Palin’s rallies. While they want to investigate and surveil peace groups nationwide, here are potential domestic terrorrists in their midst…permitted to say and yell anything they want. Why didnt they arrest them? This is incitement to riot!

    McCain looked like “Gramps” from the Munsters last night, erratic and never answered the questions just continued his campaign talking points. When he said, “that man” I almost fell out of my chair! It all proves that McCain is borderline insane and has a vapid, barbie doll as a VP.

    God save the democracy!

  12. scott says:

    McCain’s drab, plastic like appearance reminds me of a manequin giving a typical run-of-the-mill political speech. Obama has a fresh, honost, genuine approach. As for the handshake, I think that it was pretty aparent that McCain snubbed Obama intentionally. Very unprofessional. I’ve never seen this much animosity during a debate.