Delaware Liberal

worth your time to read

It seems the media isn’t going to give the GOP a free pass this time.  Too bad for the country it took them 8 years…

If we in the media really believe what we say about serving the public interest, we have a duty to avoid being turned into instruments of mass distraction. Of course we should cover what the candidates say, putting their words in context and pointing out when the candidates are exaggerating or lying. But we should also think hard about how much prominence we give to smears and counter-smears.

And we should be relentless in demanding that the candidates talk about the economy and the wars and America’s place in the world. If they won’t sit down to be interviewed, we can shout our questions at them. If they filibuster, we can cut them off. If they give evasive answers, we can ask follow-up questions until we run out of breath.

The McCain campaign has made clear that it wants to change the subject. We can, and should, change it back.

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